
I say to the generous host who gifted me

أقول للخدن الأبر الذي

1. I say to the generous host who gifted me
Though his gift was no trivial deed

١. أَقُولُ لِلْخِدْنِ الأَبَّرِّ الَّذِي
أَهْدَى وَمَا إِهْدَاؤُهُ بِالْيسِيرْ

2. O you who vent what boiled in your chest
And spoke most privately in your conscience

٢. يَا مَخْرَجاً مَا جَاشَ فِي صَدْرِهِ
وَجَالَ أَخْفَى جَوْلَةً فِي الضَّميرْ

3. You wove the tapestries of thoughts
In which eloquent, brilliant saying?

٣. طَرَائِفُ الأَفْكَارِ أَجرَيْتَهَا
 فِي أَيِّ قَوْلٍ عَبْقَرِيٍّ مُنِيرْ

4. Organized, scattered, laughing
Crying for him whose water has blaze

٤. مُنْتَظِمٌ مُنْتثِرٌ ضَاحِكٌ
بَاكِ لَهُ مَاءٌ وَفِيهِ سَعِيرْ

5. It stirs a passion when aroused
Or gently calms to rock the bed

٥. يُحَرِّكُ الْطَّوْدَ إِذَا ثَارَ أَوْ
يَهْدَأُ رِفْقاً فيَهِزُّ السَّرِيرْ

6. This is the unconstrained poetry that
Its writer is no captive to it

٦. هَذَا هُوَ الشِّعْرُ الطَّلِيقُ الَّذِي
لَيْسَ لَهُ كَاتِبُهُ بِالأَسِيرْ

7. Delicate are its meanings and words
It's the ray of revelation and the ether

٧. رَقَّتْ مَعَانِيَهُ وَأَلْفَاظُهُ
فَهْوَ شُعَاعُ الْوَحْيِ وَهْيَ الأَثِيرْ