
He gathered the companions in love and brotherhood

جمع الصحاب على هوى وإخاء

1. He gathered the companions in love and brotherhood
Two stars from Sidon and the Pleiades

١. جَمَعَ الصِّحابَ علَى هَوىً وَإِخَاءِ
نَجْمَانِ مِنْ صَدْنَايَا وَالشَّهبَاءِ

2. They rose on the Nile's horizon and shone upon it
In an aura of dignity and sublimity

٢. طَلَعَا بِأُفْقِ النِّيلِ وَانْجَلَيَا بِهِ
فِي هَالَةٍ مِنْ سُؤْدِدٍ وَعَلاَءِ

3. The star of nobility and the gem of the sublime
Whose radiance outshines the stars of the living

٣. فَلَكُ الكَنَانَةِ وَهْوَ جَوْهَرَةُ الْعُلَى
يَجْلُو سَنَاهُ كَوَاكِبَ الأَحْيَاءِ

4. The world gazed in awe at their brilliance
Dazzled by the splendor of their lights

٤. تَتَلَفَّت الدُّنْيَا إلى أَضْوَائِهَا
مَبْهُورَةً بِسَواطِعَ الأَضْوَاءِ

5. The ink of Rome's pen inclined towards them
And offered the two stars generous praise

٥. فَرَنَا إِلَيْهَا حَبرُ رَوُمَةَ وَانْثَنَى
يَهْدِي إلى النِجْمَينِ طِيبَ ثَنَاءِ

6. He was enthralled by the signs of their great deeds
And repaid favor with favor

٦. شَغَفَتْهُ آياتُ المآثِرِ منْهُمَا
فَجَزَى عَلَى الآلاءِ بالآلاءِ

7. And invoked the Most Merciful in his prayers
"O Lord, bless the abode of the generous!"

٧. وَدَعَا إِلى الرِّحْمَنِ فِي صَلَوَاتِهِ
يَا رَبِّ بَارِكْ دَارَةَ الكُرَمَاءِ

8. A gathering illuminated by the two moons as
The star of the Magi illuminated the Virgin's cave

٨. حَفْلٌ جَلاَهُ الفَرْقَدَانِ كَمَا جَلاَ
نَجْمُ المَجُوسِ مَغَارَةَ العَذْرَاءِ

9. We came to him, our gifts treasures
Of excellence, restricted to rulers

٩. جِئْنَا إِليَهِ وَفِي الوِطَابِ نَفَائِسٌ
عَلَوِيِّة قَصُرَتْ عَلَى الأٌمَرَاءِ

10. Myrrh, frankincense, our scattering
Some musings of the poets

١٠. المُرُّ فِيهَا وَاللُّبَانُ نَثِيرُنَا
وَالتِّبرُ بَعْضُ خَوَاطِرِ الشُّعرَاءِ

11. Poetry, the book of generous deeds that protects them
Zealously, and passes them on to sons

١١. الشِّعرُ سِفْرُ الْمَكْرُمَاتِ يَصُونُهَا
حِرْصاً وَيَنْقُلُهَا إِلى الأَبْنَاءِ

12. Without it, over the ages, gems would not be known
Nor would virtues last long

١٢. لَوْلاَهُ لَمْ تُعْرَفْ عَلَى طُولِ المَدَى
غِرَرُ وَلاَ رُهِنَتْ بِطُولِ بَقَاءِ

13. His nightingales sang with delightful melody
As the father of fathers led

١٣. غَنَّت بَلاَبِلُهُ بِأَيْكَةِ نَدْوَةٍ
مُتَصَدِّرٌ فِيهَا أَبُو الآبَاءِ

14. Light in his portions, truth in his words
And purity in intents

١٤. النُّورُ فِي قَسَمَاتِهِ وَالحَقُّ فِي
كَلِمَاتِهِ وَالطُّهرُ فِي الحَوَبَاءِ

15. Devoted to God, burdened with the weight
Of heavy years and grave duties

١٥. مُتَهَجِّدٌ للهِ مُضْطَّلعٌ عَلَى
وِقَرِ السِّنينَ بِفَادِحِ الأَعْبَاءِ

16. Seeking God's mercy for the people
Interceding for their sins

١٦. مُسْتَمْطِرٌ لِلنَّاسِ رَحْمَةَ رَبِّهِ
مُتَشَفِّع لَهُمُ مِنَ الأَخْطاءِ

17. And when upon the Throne he sat, it was as if
He was Moses the Kalim on Mount Sinai

١٧. وَإِذَا عَلَى العَرْشِ اسْتَوى فَكَأَنَّهُ
موسَى الكَليمُ عَلَى ذُرَى سيناءِ

18. He stretched out his blessed hand, adorned with piety
To grace the chests of the white-handed

١٨. بَسَطَ اليَدَ البَيْضَاءَ جَمَّلَهَا التُقَى
لِيزِينَ صَدْرُ ذَوِي يَدٍ بَيْضَاءِ

19. Blessings he gave, like the successor of Peter
As God, the Giver, granted blessings

١٩. نَعْمَاءَ جَادَ بِهَا خَلِيفَةُ بُطْرُسَ
وَاللهُ فِيهَا الوَاهِبُ النُّعمَاءِ

20. This is but some of what the books of angels recorded
Of the rewards of venerable years

٢٠. هذِي الرَّصِيعَةُ بَعْضُ مَا زَخَرَتْ بِهِ
كُتُبُ المَلاَئِكِ مِنْ سَنِيِّ جَزَاءِ