1. O sign of the age, it is our duty
To renew your memory through time
١. يَا آيَةَ العَصْرِ حَقِيقٌ بِنا
تجْدِيدُ ذِكْرَاكِ عَلَى الدَّهْرِ
2. You struggled, but the success you achieved
Was more precious than victory
٢. جَاهَدْتِ لَكِنَّ النَّجاحَ الَّذِي
أَدْرَكْتِهِ أَغْلَى مِنَ النَّصرِ
3. The first glimpses of the life appeared
That vigorously brought the dawn
٣. بَدَتْ تَبَاشِيرُ الْحيَاةِ الَّتِي
جَدَّتْ فحَيِّي طَلْعَةَ الفجْرِ
4. Your vigilance established its ascendance
After the drowsiness in Egypt
٤. قدْ أَثْبَتَتْ يَقْظتَهَا لِلعُلَى
بَعْدَكِ ذَاتُ الخِدْرِ فِي مِصْرِ
5. So it emerged from slumber
But it did not emerge from the etiquette of sleepiness
٥. فَبَرَزَتْ مِنْهُ وَلَكِنَّها
مَا بَرَزَتْ عَنْ أَدَبِ الخِدْرِ
6. It forgives the mistaken regarding its right
With forbearance, and seeks to avoid hostility
٦. تَعْفَو عَنِ المُخْطِيء فِي حقِّهَا
حِلْماً وَتسْتعْفِي مِنَ النكْرِ
7. Its place became equal to its counterpart
Like two halves of a whole
٧. مَكانُهَا أَصْبَحَ مِنْ زَوْجِها
مَكَانَ تِمِّ الشِّطرِ بِالشَّطرِ
8. It has patience in duty
Though the path of patience was difficult and bitter
٨. لهَا عَلَى الوَاجِبِ صَبْر وَإِنْ
شَقَّت وَمَرَّتْ شِرْعَةُ الصَّبرِ
9. The harbors of determination see its watering place
Smiling in its blossoming face
٩. مَخَايِلُ العَزْمِ تِري وَرْيَهَا
مُؤْتَلِقاً فِي وَجْهِهَا النَّضرِ
10. And the eye glimpses the adornments of its soul
More vivid and brilliant than adornments of gold
١٠. وَتَلْمَحُ العَيْنُ حُلَى نَفْسِهَا
أَزهَى وَأَبْهَى مِنْ حُلَى التِّبرِ
11. In what era was its discernment
Or news of it, ever absent?
١١. فِي أَيِّ عَصرٍ كانَ عِرْفَانهَا
أَوْ خبْرُهَا مَا هُوَ فِي العَصْرِ
12. It knew that merits, though majestic
Cannot suffice for purity
١٢. قَدْ عِلمَتْ أَنَّ المزَايَا وَإِنْ
جَلَلْنَ لاَ يُغْنِينَ مِنْ طُهْرِ
13. If collected in a skillful composition
Precious stones and pearls
١٣. لو جُمعَتْ فِي نَسَقٍ بَارِعٍ
كَرِيمَةُ الأَحْجَارِ وَالدُّرِّ
14. And they produced no light to reveal through it
Their deceptive beautiful thoughts
١٤. وَلمْ تُصِبْ نُوراً فَتُبْدِي بِهِ
زِينَتَنهَا الخلاَّبَةَ الفِكْرِ
15. Are not coal and diamond in their mines
Equal in worth?
١٥. أَلاَ يَكونُ الفحْمُ وَالمَاسُ فِي
مُنْجَمِهِ سِيَّينِ فِي القَدْرِ
16. O you who lost in the bloom of youth
What the harshest decay lost in the bloom of youth
١٦. يَا مَنْ ذوَت فِي زَهْرَةِ العُمْرِ مَا
أَقْسَى الرَّدَى فِي زهْرَةِ العُمْرِ
17. If you move away, no scent has moved away
That left such pure fragrance
١٧. إِنْ تبْعَدِي مَا بَعُدَتْ نَفْحَةٌ
تَرَكْتِهَا مِنْ خَالِصِ العِطْرِ
18. In books filled with tradition like
An eternal blossoming garden
١٨. فِي كُتبٍ مَأثورَةٍ كلُّهَا
كالرَّوْضَةِ الدَّائِمَةِ الزَّهْرِ
19. Nor did any song you sang recede
From people's hearing, O virgin song
١٩. وَلاَ نَأَى عَنْ مَسْمَعِ القَوْمِ مَا
غنَّيتِ مِنْ أُنْشُودَةٍ بِكْرِ
20. Immortal in its repetition in Egypt
From an immortal eminent woman
٢٠. خَالِدَةِ التَّرْدِيدِ فِي مِصْرَ عَن
نابِغَةٍ خَالِدَةِ الذكْرِ
21. With her painful desire in captivity
She freed the birds from captivity
٢١. بِشَدْوِهَا المُؤْلِمِ فِي أَسْرِهَا
أَطْلَقتِ الطَّيرُ مِنَ الأَسْرِ
22. What burden is it for the adorned one to appear
While her conduct is free from burden?
٢٢. مَا الوِزْرُ أَنْ تَبْدُوَ ذَاتَ الحُلى
وَسَيْرُهَا خِلوٌ مِنَ الوِزْرِ
23. What perfection and beauty is seen
As is seen in the rising of a flower?
٢٣. أَيُّ كَمَالٍ وَجَمَالٍ يُرَى
كَمَا يُرَى فِي طَالِعِ الزَّهْرِ
24. So in the name of students of high ambition
And in the name of people of noble character
٢٤. فبِاسْمِ طُلاَّبِ رُقِيِّ الحِمَى
وَبِاسْمِ أَهْلِ الخُلقِ الحُرِّ
25. I present to your soul in its eternity
The most precious gift of gratitude
٢٥. أُهْدِي إِلى رُوحِكِ فِي عَدُنِهَا
أَنْفَسَ مَا يُهْدَى مِنَ الشُّكرِ
26. Were you not but a rising star
In the horizon of the full moon?
٢٦. هَلْ كُنْتِ إِلاَّ كَوْكَباً آخِذاً
فِي أُفُقِ العَلْيَاءِ مِنْ بَدْرِ
27. Your merit is from the merit of your father
Who was the father of literature in this country
٢٧. فضْلُكِ مِنْ فَضْلِ أَبِيكِ الَّذِي
كَان أَبَا الآدَابِ فِي القطْرِ
28. Most eloquent of those who gave generously
And best of those who renewed in poetry
٢٨. أَبْرَعُ مِنْ جَوَّدَ فِي مُرْسَلٍ
وَخَيْرُ مَنْ جَدَّدَ فِي شِعْرَ
29. You fell short in fulfilling his right
Like one overpowered, unable to act
٢٩. قَصَّرْتَ فِي إِيفَائِهِ حَقَّهُ
تَقْصِيرَ مَغْلُوبٍ عَلَى أَمْرِي
30. The foremost excuse was that we postponed
His elegy, which was not my excuse
٣٠. وَكانَ مِنْ عُذْرِ الأُولَى أُرْجَأُوا
تَأْبِينَهُ مَا كَانَ مِنْ عذْرِي
31. The hand of separation that saddened us was paralyzed
With the loss of that scholarly master
٣١. شُلَّتْ يَدُ البَيْنِ الَّذِي سَاءَنَا
بِفَقْدِ ذَاكَ العَالِمِ الحَبْرِ
32. That steadfast scholar who if he delved
Into an issue, he reported on the sea
٣٢. أَلْعَامِلُ الثَّبتُ الَّذِي إِنْ يُفِضْ
فِي مَبْحَثٍ حَدِّثْ عَنِ البَحْرِ
33. Lord of meanings and eloquence, who
Taught us what we did not know
٣٣. رَبُّ المَعَانِي وَالبَيَانِ الذِي
علَّمَنَا مَا لَمْ نَكُنْ نَدْرِي
34. That generous disseminator of knowledge to students
With a generosity that was not business
٣٤. أَلبَاذِلُ العِلْمَ لطُلاَّبِهِ
بَذْلاً وَمَا كَانَ مِنَ التَّجرِ
35. He educated the youth that he
Was the highest beacon for those of wisdom
٣٥. يُثَقِّف النَّشءَ عَلَى أَنَّهُ
أَعْلَى مَنارٍ لأُولِي الذِّكْرِ
36. In his heart was kindness altogether and no
Suspicion was in that heart
٣٦. فِي صَدْرِهِ الرِّفْقُ جَمِيعاً وَمَا
مِنْ رِيبَةٍ فِي ذلِكَ الصَّدْرِ
37. The purest thing for his loved ones
Was his intention, in private and public
٣٧. أَخْلَصُ شَيءٍ لأَوِدَّائِهِ
نِيَّتهُ فِي السِّرِّ وَالجَهْرِ
38. So may God's mercy and pleasure
Be upon our deceased until the Gathering
٣٨. فَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَرِضْوَانُهُ
عَلَى فَقِيدَتْنَا إِلى الحَشْرِ
39. From a righteous father and from a chaste daughter
Who illuminated the darkness of the grave
٣٩. مِنْ وَالِدٍ بَرٍّ وَمِنْ بِضْعَةِ
طُهْرٍ أَنَارَا ظُلْمَةَ القَبْرِ