
I thought yearning would lessen my anguish a little, but it only increased what I feel

ظننت أن النوى تخفف من

1. I thought yearning would lessen my anguish a little, but it only increased what I feel
O comfort of the soul, he who is parted from you, what comfort can he find?

١. ظَنَنْتُ أَنَّ النَّوَى تُخَفِّف مِنْ
وَجْدِي قَلِيلاً فَزَادَ مَا أَجِدُ

2. What can I do about a love that enchains me? Is there any escape when my heart is fettered?
If I disobey His commands one day, my repentance to Him is guaranteed tomorrow

٢. يَا رَاحَةَ الرُّوحِ مَنْ تُفَارِقُهُ
رَاحَتُهُ أَيَّ غُنْيَةٍ يَجِدُ

3. O cupbearer, pass around the cups amongst the companions, let them sparkle
And o companions, drink your pleasures in uncountable draughts

٣. مَا حِيلَتِي فِي هَوىً يَصَفِّدُنِي
هَلْ مِنْ نَجَاةٍ وَقَلْبِيَ الصَّفدُ

4. For I relish your enjoyment, my thirstiest organ being my liver
I have returned to Him who holds my soul, though I will not taste it, for loyalty is what I promise

٤. إِذَا عَصَى بِيَ يَوْمِي أَوَامِرَهُ
فَكَافِلٌ تَوْبَتِي إِلَيْهِ غَدُ

5. And I promised I would yearn to see a group suffering from thirst like me, if they ever come to water
They said the madness of the epileptics lies in their desires, but it is reason for those who yearn and keep away

٥. أَيْ سَاقِيَ الرَّاحِ أَجْرِهَا وَأَدِرْ
عَلَى الرِّفَاقِ الأَقْدَاحَ تَتَّقدُ

6. That is reason, but it is ignorance when the body weakens and the skin stretches thin
O my friends, life is all regret over what is missed, and all misery

٦. وَيَا رِفَاقُ اشْرَبُوا نُخُوبَكمُ
شُرْباً دِرَاكاً لاَ يُحْصِهَا عَدَدُ

7. So drown your preoccupations in the night, for its darkness will not save them from dissipation
Oh, how excellent is the setback of worries when the cup foams with a wave that expels them

٧. فَإِنَّني أَنْتَشِي بِنَشْوَتِكُمْ
أَظْمَأَ مَا بَاتَ مِنِّي الكَبِدُ

8. It is a cup, the sea overflowing with joy, while the cupbearers of sorrow walk in chains
With what words can I explain my darkness which startles me amidst the groves?

٨. وَعَدْتُ مَنْ فِي يَدَيْهِ رُوْحِيَ لاَ
أَذُوقُهَا والْوَفَاءُ مَا أَعِدُ

9. I seek eloquence for what troubles me, but I have no skill in making it clear
I have a youthful folly and ingratitude is its nature. Woe to the hearts from the evil they beget!

٩. وَعُدْتُ أَشْتَاقُ أَنْ أَرَى زُمَراً
تَعُبُّها كَالْعِطَاشِ إِنْ وَرَدُوا

10. If my heart intended to destroy it in anger, it advised me that life does not last

١٠. قَالُوا جُنُونُ الصَّرْعَى بِشَهْوَتِهِمْ
عَقْلٌ لِمَنْ يَشْتَهِي وَيَبْتَعِدُ

١١. ذَلِكَ عَقْلٌ لَكِنَّه سَفَهٌ
إِذَا وَهَى الجِسْمُ وَانْتَهَى الجَلَدُ

١٢. يَا صَحْبِيَ العُمْرُ كُلُّهُ أَسَفٌ
عَلَى فَوَاتٍ وَكُلُّهُ نَكَدُ

١٣. فَغَرِّقُوا فِي الطِّلاَ شَوَاغِلَكُمْ
لاَ يُنْجِهَا مِنْ ثُبُورِهَا مَدَدُ

١٤. يَا حَبَّذَا نَكْبَةُ الهُمُومِ وَقَدْ
حُفَّت بِمَوْجٍ فِي الكَأْسِ يَطَّرِدُ

١٥. كَأْسٌ هِيَ الْبَحْرُ بِالسُّرُورِ طَغَى
وَجَارِيَاتُ الأَسَى بِهِ قِدَدُ

١٦. بِأَيِّ لَفظٍ أَبُثُّ مَظْلَمَتِي
يَرَاعَتِي فِي البَنَانِ تَرْتَعِدُ

١٧. أَبْغِي بَيَاناً لِمَا يُخَامِرُنِي
مِنْهَا وَمَالِي فِي أَنْ أُبِينَ يَدُ

١٨. بِي صَبْوَةٌ وَالعُقُوقُ شِيمَتُهَا
وَيْحَ قُلُوبٍ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا تَلِدُ

١٩. إِنْ هَمَّ قَلْبي بوَأْدِهَا حَنِقاً
نَهَاهُ أَنَّ الحَيَاةَ مَا يَئِدُ