1. The spouse of Suleiman has passed away to him
And the exemplar of Muhayya's separation
١. زَوْجُ سليمٍ إِلَيْهِ آبَت
وَفِيَّة طَلْقَةَ المُحَيَّا
2. Leaving behind in life a memory
That endures as long as loyalty lives
٢. تَارِكَةً فِي الحَيَاةِ ذِكْراً
مَا دَامَ فِيهَا الوَفَاءُ حيا
3. To Allah is a grave she came to
And left behind her effulgent visage
٣. للهِ قَبْرٌ أَوَتْ إِلَيْهِ
وَفَارَقَتْ أَوْجَهَا السَّنِيَّا
4. He had before her a lofty status
That overnight was folded over in grief
٤. كَانَ لَهُ قَبْلَهَا مُقَامٌ
غَدَا بِأَضْعافِهِ حرِيَّا
5. Do you not see the doves humbled
Before him, and the heights bowed down
٥. أَلا تَرَى الهَامَ خَاشِعَاتٍ
حِيَالَهُ وَالعُلَى جُثِيَّا
6. Whoever of his chroniclers visits him
Sees here the place of wealth
٦. مَنْ زَاره من مُؤَرِّخِيهِ
رأَى هُنَا مَوْضِعَ الثُّرَيَّا