
Your sprouts have brought glad tidings of tomorrow's first fruits,

بشت غراسك عن بواكير الغد

1. Your sprouts have brought glad tidings of tomorrow's first fruits,
And the first signs of guidance for the rightly-guided have appeared.

١. بَشَّت غِرَاسُكِ عَنْ بَوَاكِيرِ الغَدِ
وَبَدَتْ تَبَاشِيرُ الهُدَى لِلمُهْتَدِي

2. The world is made new again - so whoever desires
To attain the highest goals, let him be made new!

٢. تَتَجَدَّدُ الدُّنْيَا فَمنْ يَبْغِي بِهَا
أَنْ يُدْرِكَ الغَايَاتِ فَليَتَجَدَّدِ

3. You have been just, O light of guidance, and with wisdom
You have kindled the flame of your resolute determination.

٣. أَنْصَفْتِ يَا نُورَ الهُدَى وَلِحِكْمَةٍ
أَذَكَيْتِ شُعْلَةَ عَزْمِكِ المُتَوَقِّد

4. Excellent is your sublime example for those who
Seek to emulate you in leadership and judiciousness.

٤. نِعْمَ المِثَالُ مِثَالُكِ الأَعْلَى لِمَنْ
بِكِ فِي الرِّيَاسَةِ وَالكِيَاسَةِ يَقْتَدِي

5. In the book of the age you have the most radiant image -
It is immortalized, for merit alone endures.

٥. لَكَ فِي كِتَابِ العَصْرِ أَبْهَجُ صُورَةٍ
خَلُدَتْ وَغَيْرُ الفَضْلِ لَيْسَ بِمُخْلَدِ

6. How many hands you have among your people that cannot
Adequately express their gratitude, even if allowed to kiss your hand!

٦. كَمْ مِنْ يَدٍ لَكَ عِنْدَ قَوْمِكِ لاَ يَفِي
فِي شُكْرِهَا لَوْ جَازَ تَقْبِيلُ اليَدِ

7. The times have known the few and the many of them -
What is beyond seeing or hearing.

٧. عَرَفَ الزَّمَانُ قَلِيلَهَا وَكَثِيرُهَا
مَا لَيْسَ مِنْهُ بِمَسْمَعٍ أَوْ مَشْهَدِ

8. One of them alone suffices you pride that we stop
To lay the foundations of this institute.

٨. تَكْفِيكِ إِحْدَاهَا فَخاراً أَنْ نَقِفْ
مِنْهَا عَلَى تَشْيِيدِ هَذَا المَعْهَدِ

9. God's blessing is the unity of our women
While men are scattered like quicksilver.

٩. فَضْلٌ مِنَ اللهِ اتِّحادُ نِسَائِنَا
حِينَ الرِّجَالُ كَزِئْبَقٍ مُتَبَدِّدِ

10. They have woven necklaces like the patterns of their unity,
While their husbands have torn apart girdles never to be tied again.

١٠. حَاكَيْنَ نَظْمَ عُقُودِهِنَّ وَمَزَّقَتْ
أَزْوَاجُهُنَّ خَنَاصِراً لَمْ تُعْقَدِ

11. This is no place for rebuttal when
A slanderous tongue calls to virtue.

١١. ليْسَ المَقَامُ مَقَامَ تَفْنِيدٍ وَقَدْ
يَدْعُو إِلى الحُسْنَى لِسَانُ مُفَنِّد

12. O excellence of this alliance, and gentleness of what
Contains guidance for the guided!

١٢. يَا حُسْنَ هَذَا الائْتِلاَفِ وَلُطْفَ مَا
فِيهِ مِنَ الإِرْشَادِ لِلمُسْتَرْشِدِ

13. Give glad tidings of it to the age of advancement, for it
Only gains in glories whenever it advances.

١٣. بَشِّرْ بِهِ عَهْدَ الرُّقِيِّ فَإِنَّهُ
مَا يسْتَزِدْ مِنْهُ مَآثِرَ يَزْدَدِ

14. You have been blessed, O age of advancement, and blessed
Are those at the forefront in this excellence!

١٤. بُورِكْتَ يَا عَهْدَ الرُّقِيِّ وَبُورِكَتْ
مُتَبَوِّئَاتُ الصَّدْرِ فِي هَذَا النَّدِي

15. They are the pioneering women, cultured before
Their sisters among the uncultured throng.

١٥. هُنَّ اللدَاتُ السَّابِقَاتُ ثَقَافَةً
أَخَوَاتِهِنَّ مِنَ المِلاَحِ الخُرَّد

16. The riddlers of the hearts of those who love virtue
Through merit, not the pretentious and affected.

١٦. أَلغَازِيَاتُ قُلوبَ عُشاقِ النهَى
بِالفَضْلِ لاَ بِمُثَقَّف وَمُهَنَّدِ

17. The singers with significances of sweet charm,
Of pearls on their soft skin and chrysolite stones.

١٧. أَلغَانِيَاتُ بِمَعْنَوِيَّاتِ الحِلَى
عَنْ لُؤْلؤ بِنُحُورِهِنَّ وَعَسْجَد

18. Between an ascender on wings when
The earth has become a prison for other than ascendents,

١٨. ما بَيْنَ مُصْعِدَةٍ بِأَجْنِحَةٍ وَقَدْ
عَادَ الثَّرَى سِجْناً لِغَيْرِ المُصْعَدِ

19. And a helper of the rightly-entitled whom she protects
From those who overstep boundaries and aggress,

١٩. وَنَصِيرَةٍ لأُولِي الحُقُوقِ تَصُونُهَا
مِمَّن يَصُولُ عَلَى الحُقُوقِ وَيَعْتَدِي

20. And a physician who is gentle and does not mistreat, so that
The scalpel passes like a well-honed blade,

٢٠. وَطَبِيبَةٍ تَأْسُو وَلا تَقْسُو فَمِنْ
يَدِهَا يَمُرُّ النَّصلُ مَرَّ المِرْوَد

21. And a woman of letters who has attained the extent of what she sought
In learning, whether recondite or flowing,

٢١. وَأَدِيبَةٍ بَلَغَتْ مَدَى مَطْلُوبِهَا
فِي العِلْمِ مِنْ مُستَطْرَفٍ أَوْ مُتْلَدِ

22. Her chastity has increased her preparation for glory,
And without that restraint she would not have held back,

٢٢. زَادَ التَّأهُّب لِلغِمَارِ عَفَافُهَا
وَبِغَيْرِ ذَاكَ القَيْدِ لَمْ تَتَقَيَّدِ

23. Nine have stepped forth from the ranks, leaving
To those who come after, the course paved with glory.

٢٣. تِسْعٌ بَرَزْنَ مِنَ الصُّفوفِ تَوَارِكا
لِلاَّحِقَاتِ الشَّوْطَ مجِدَّ مُمَهَّد

24. They competed with the vigorous youths, and attained what
They sought, and gratitude is a smooth meadow.

٢٤. نَافَسْنَ فِتْيَان الحِمَى فَوَرَدْنَ مَا
يَرِدُونَ وَالعِرْفَانُ أَسْمَحُ مَوْرِدِ

25. Excellent is this emulation, and just are the pursuits,
For it is the path to the heights and everlasting commendation.

٢٥. نِعْمَ التَّنافُسُ وَالمَطَالِبُ حَقَّةٌ
فَهْوَ السَّبِيلُ إِلَى العُلَى وَالسُّؤْدَدِ

26. It brings ease to every faltering people,
And honor to each supported people.

٢٦. وَهْوَ المُقيلُ لكُلِّ شَعْبٍ عَاثِرٍ
وَهْوَ المُعِزُّ لِكُلِّ شَعْب أَيِّدِ