1. O neighbor of the beloved, how graceful you are!
You have captivated me, O neighbor, though I do not know you.
١. يَا جَارِيَ الْمَحْبُوبِ مَا أَلْطَفَكْ
قَدْ فَاتَنِي يَا جَارُ أَنْ أَعْرُفَكْ
2. You have made me your praiser, though the eloquence of description,
Could not fully describe you.
٢. أَوْلَيْتَنِي مُمْتَدِحاً مَا اقْتَضَتْ
بِلاَغَةُ الْوَضْفِ فَمَا أَوْصَفَكْ
3. It is not I who ennobled his homelands,
That is just imaginary verse that ennobled you.
٣. مَا أَنَا مَنْ شَرَّفَ أَوْطَانَهُ
ذَاكَ خيَالٌ نَظْمُهُ شَرَّفَكْ
4. Glory to Him who granted you this distinction,
And gifted you inner wisdom to compose.
٤. سُبْحَانَ مَنْ أعْطَاكَ هَذَا الحِجَى
وَفِي المَعَانِي فِطْرَةً صَرَّفكْ
5. Hey, the best of youths! He who
Honored you with this glory has been fair to you.
٥. إِيهِ فَتَى الفُتْيَانِ أَنَّ الَّذِي
أَوْلاَكَ هَذَا الجاهَ قَد أَنْصَفَكْ
6. Live with a name among the people, for there is no young man
Standing in every virtue in your place.
٦. عِشْ وَاسْمُ في الْقَوُمِ فَمَا مِنْ فَتىً
فِي كُلِّ فَضْلٍ وَاقِفٍ مَوِقفَكْ