1. The light was lit as guidance
And homes were adorned as dwellings
١. أُضيئَتْ لِلْهُدَى نَارُ
وَزِينَتْ لِلْقَرَى الدَّارُ
2. It greeted whoever in the east it descended upon
Wherever the great ones alight
٢. وَحَيَّتْ مَنْ لَهَا فِي الشَّرقِ
حَيْثُ تَحِلُّ إِكْبَارُ
3. So in Lebanon is a wide expanse
With its procession and good tidings
٣. فَفِي لُبْنَانَ تِرْحَابٌ
بِمَوْكِبِهَا وَإِبْشارُ
4. Precious is Egypt when visited
For all its villages are metropolises
٤. عَزِيزةُ مِصْرَ إِنْ زَارَتْ
فَكُلُّ قُرَاهُ أَمْصَارُ
5. In the markets of the West are retreats
That hold in the soul generosity
٥. بِسُوقِ الْغَرْبِ مُنْتجَعٌ
لَهُ فِي النَّفْسِ إِيثَارُ
6. The obtainer picks whatever he desires and prefers
Orchards flourished in it
٦. يُنِيلُ الرَّائِدُ المُصْطَافُ
مَا يَهْوَى وَيَخْتَارُ
7. And fruits ripened in it
And birds sing in it
٧. تَرَعْرَعَ فِيهِ جَنَّاتٌ
وَتَينَعُ فِيهِ أَثْمَارُ
8. With strings responding to them
And minted images bring solace to the soul
٨. وَتَشْدُو فِيهِ أَطْيَارٌ
تُجَاوِبُهُنَّ أَوْتَارُ
9. Wondrous and magical
And a night whose sides are green
٩. وَتَشفَى النَّفْسَ آصَالٌ
بَديعَاتٌ وَأسْحَارُ
10. With lights grazing in it
And winds wherever they blow
١٠. وَلَيْلٌ أَخْضَرُ الْجَنَبَاتِ
تَرْتَعُ فِيهِ أَنْوارُ
11. The perfume carries aromas
On a mountain it makes verdant
١١. وَرِيحٌ حَيْثُ مَا هَبَّتْ
حَمَلَتْهَا الطِّيبَ مِعْطَارُ
12. With springs and rivers
Curtains dripped from it
١٢. عَلَى جَبَلٍ تُنَضِّرُهُ
يَنَابِيعٌ وَأَنْهَارُ
13. And slopes and caves
To a sea encircled by golden trees
١٣. تَدَلَّتْ مِنْهُ أَسْنَادٌ
وَأَنْجَادٌ وَأَغْوَارُ
14. Refuges for souls within
Destinies fulfilled and settled
١٤. إِلى بَحْرٍ تُطَوِّقُ رَمْلَهُ
الذَّهَبِيَّ أَشْجَارُ
١٥. مَغَانٍ لِلنُّفوسِ بِهَا
مُنىً تُقْضَى وَأَوْطَارُ