
The light of hope has dawned and the luck of fate

نور الرجاء بدا ويمن الطالع

1. The light of hope has dawned and the luck of fate
Has smiled on the people in the face of the cultivating prince

١. نُورُ الرَّجَاءِ بَدَا وَيُمْنُ الطَّالِعِ
لِلشَّعْبِ فِي وَجْهِ الأَمِيرِ الزَّارِعِ

2. Live long, O Heir Apparent, and shine forth gloriously
With the virtues you possess, high as the glittering horizon

٢. عِشْ يَا وَلِيَّ العَهْدِ وَابْرُزْ فِي سَنىً
يَعْلُوكَ مِنْ أُفُقِ السَّمَاءِ اللاَّمِعِ

3. In feeling and meaning you have attained all hopes
Your qualities are perfect, a necklace of wonders

٣. فِي الحِسِّ وَالمَعْنَى عَلَى قَدْرِ المُنى
كَمُلَتْ صِفَاتُكَ فَهْيَ عِقْدُ بَدَائِعِ

4. The superiority of your father in paving the way for you
To surmount all difficulties on the ladder of ascent

٤. أَلفَضْلُ فَضْلُ أَبِيكَ فِي تَذْلِيلِهِ
لَكَ كُلَّ صَعْبٍ فِي المَعَارِجِ فَارعِ

5. It is no condescension for the prince to care for the poor
Industry is no disgrace and tireless toil no shame

٥. لَيْسَتْ مُشَارَفَةُ الأَمِيرِ لِضَيْعَةٍ
ضَعَةً وَمَا الجُهْدُ المُغِلُّ بِضَائعِ

6. Agriculture and the farmer flow together
In word and meaning from one comprehensive source

٦. إِنَّ الفِلاَحَةَ وَالفَلاَحَ تَسَلسَلا
لفْظاً وَمَعْنىً مِنْ نِجَارٍ جَامِعِ

7. Serving the land that is our mother
Ruler and ruled are drawn heart to heart

٧. فِي خِدْمَةِ الأَرْضِ الَّتِي هِيَ أُمُّنا
يَتَأَلَّفُ المَتْبُوعُ قَلْبَ التَّابِعِ

8. How you have revived the hopes you were entrusted with
For your loyal and tranquil nation

٨. مَا أَرْوَحَ الأَمَلَ الَّذِي قِيَّضْتَهُ
لِسَوَادِ أُمَّتِكَ الأَمِينِ الوَادِعِ

9. Hail to the tiller of the earth, bending over the soil
To the toiler, patient and content with his lot

٩. أَلحَارِثِ الدَّرِبِ العَكُوفِ عَلَى الثَّرَى
أَلكَادِحِ التَّعِبِ الصَّبُورِ القَانِعِ

10. One who does not study their condition and know their plight
Will never find the cure that will avail

١٠. منْ لَمْ يُطَالِعْهُ وَيَعْرِفْ دَاءَهُ
هَيْهَاتَ يَأْتِي بِالدَّوَاءِ النَّاجِعِ

11. Thanks be to the Lord for your noble birth
And for your wise governance and refined means

١١. لِلّهِ مُنْجِبُكَ العَظِيمُ وَمَا لَهُ
مِنْ حُسْنِ تَدْبِيرٍ وَلُطْفِ ذَرَائعِ

12. No father has reared a son for the world
With manly virtues in his blooming youth

١٢. لَمْ يَبْنِ لِلدُّنْيَا أَبٌ كَبِنَائِهِ
خُلُقَ الرُّجُولَةِ فِي فَتَاهُ اليَافعِ

13. Awake, evoking the latent gifts within you
With enlightened discernment and ample knowledge

١٣. يَقِظٌ يُنَبِّهُ كَامِنَاتِ خِصَالِهِ
تَنْبِيهَ مَعْرِفَةٍ وَخُبْرٍ وَاسِعِ

14. To comprehend each significant matter, trivial or momentous
And rule it rightly, harmful or beneficial

١٤. حَتَّى يُلِمَّ بِكُلِّ شَأْنٍ نَابِهٍ
فَيَسُوسَهُ وَبِكُلِّ شَأْنٍ نَافِعِ

15. You are a king by whom I measure kings, and I see
The state of decline or rise in each clearly

١٥. مَلِكٌ بِهِ قِسْتُ المُلُوكَ فَلاَحَ لي
شَأْوُ الظَّلِيعِ بِهِمْ وَشَأْوُ الطَّالِعِ

16. You have treated them with purity and freshness
And perfect composure, meeting their gaze

١٦. أَوْفَى عَلَيْهِمْ بِالحَصَافَةِ وَالنَّدَى
وَبِسُؤْددٍ مِلءِ النَّوَاظِرِ نَاصِعِ

17. I cannot forget the day I saw you and saw them
At a spectacle of resplendent glory

١٧. مَا أَنْسَ يَوْمَ لَمَحْتُهُ وَلَمَحْتُهُمْ
فِي مَشْهَدٍ بَادِي المَفَاخِرِ شَائعِ

18. I saw in you such majestic splendor
The finest example of shining beauty

١٨. فَرَأَيْتُ مِنْهُ فِي جَلاَلٍ رَائِعٍ
أَزْهَى مِثَالٍ لِلجَمَالِ الرَّائِعِ

19. A natural loftiness you do not diminish by humility
Though modesty graces the humble

١٩. لَدْنٌ شَدِيدٌ لاَ اتِّضَاعَ بِهِ وَإِنْ
لَمْ تَنْأَ عَنْهُ كِيَاسَةُ المُتَواضعِ

20. You are the source from which sources derive
The fountainhead, and yours are the overflowing springs

٢٠. هُوَ مَصدَرٌ مِنْهُ المَصَادِرُ تَسْتَقِي
هُوَ مَنْبَعٌ وَلهُ فُيُوضُ مَنَابِعِ

21. Nothing escapes your keen intellect
Or hides from that piercing brilliance

٢١. لاَ شَيْءَ يَعْزُبُ عَنْ مَدَارِكِهِ وَلاَ
يَخْفَى عَلَى ذَاكَ الذَّكَاءِ السَّاطعِ

22. When you decree a thing, it is executed
None can stop your decree or thwart its course

٢٢. وَإِذَا قَضَى أَمْضَى فَمَا مِنْ حَائِلٍ
دُونَ القَضَاءِ وَمَا لَهُ مِنْ دَافعِ

23. You gazed on barren sands and they turned verdant
Adorned with orchards and farmlands

٢٣. لَحَظَ الرِّمَالَ القَاحِلاَتِ فَنُضِّرَتْ
وَازَّيَّنَتْ بِمَغَارِسٍ وَمَزَارِعِ

24. You gazed on cities and villages and they were beautified
Developing schools, factories, and public works

٢٤. لَحَظَ المَدَائِنَ وَالقُرَى فَتَجَمَّلَتْ
وَتَكَمَّلَتْ بِمَدَارِسٍ وَمَصَانعِ

25. You gazed on education to enrich minds
And wholesome fruits flourished in that garden

٢٥. لَحَظَ الثَّقَافَةَ لِلعُقُولِ فَأَخْرَجَتْ
مَا طابَ مِنْ ثَمَرِ العُقْولِ اليَانعِ

26. You gazed on sports to strengthen bodies
Preparing a vibrant new generation of grit and drive

٢٦. لحَظَ الرِّيَاضَةَ لِلجُسُومِ فَهَيَّأَتْ
نَشْئاً جَدِيدَاً عَزَائِمٍ وَنَوَازِعِ

27. You gazed on sciences, and everywhere like birds
You see flocks surrounding their enterprises

٢٧. لَحَظَ العُلُومَ فَمَا تَرَى فِي رَوْضِةٍ
إِلاَّ ظِمَاءَ الطَّيْرِ حَوْلَ مَشَارِعِ

28. You gazed on arts, and all the excellence of old
Was wonderfully renewed by your patronage

٢٨. لحَظَ الفُنُونَ فَعَادَ مُؤْتَنَفاً بِهَا
مَا كَانَ مِنْ فَضْلٍ قَدِيمٍ بَارعِ

29. Look across the length and breadth of the land
Bearing witness to triumphs and benefits

٢٩. أُنْظُرْ إِلى طُولِ البِلاَدِ وَعَرْضِهَا
تَشْهَدْ ضُرُوبَ مَفَاخِرٍ ومَنَافِعِ

30. The news from there is endless
Except to herald ever more great tidings

٣٠. لاَ يَنْتَهِي مَا ذَاعَ مِنْ نَبَإِ بِهَا
إِلاَّ إِلى نَبَإِ طَرِيفٍ ذَائِعِ

31. Egypt is no longer Egypt, and the countryside
Now rivals what the oldest eyes remember

٣١. مَا مِصْرُ مِصْرُ وَمَا الرِّبَاعُ بِحُسْنِهَا
هِيَ عَيْنُ مَا عَهِدَتْهُ عَيْنُ الرَّابِعِ

32. Urban growth flows on, not favoring
Some locations over others in its course

٣٢. مَتَلاَحَقُ العُمْرَانُ لاَ يَخْتَارُ فِي
مَجْرَاهُ بَيْنَ مَوَاقِعٍ وَمَوَاقِعِ

33. And remote regions attain a share of its bounty
That no vast kingdom had attained before

٣٣. وَتُصِيبُ أَطْرَافٌ نَأَتْ مِنْ قِسْطِهِ
مَا لمْ تُصِبْ أَطْرَافُ مُلكٍ شَاسِعِ

34. To sustain a heart ruling and guiding
The sovereignty of the age, by God's decree

٣٤. لِيَدُمْ فُؤَادٌ سَائِداً وَمُصَرِّفاً
حُكْمَ السِّيَادَةِ فِي الزَّمَانِ الخَاضِعِ

35. And to prosper the days of the heir to his reign
Flourishing in his shadow, season after season

٣٥. وَلتَزْدَهِرْ أَيَّامُ صَاحِبِ عَهْدِهِ
فِي ظِلِّهِ كَالمَوْسِمِ المُتَتَابِعِ