1. Is there in the relation of Egypt to Sudan
What tar does not wish for its continuance?
١. هَلْ فِي عِلاقَةِ مِصْرَ بِالسُّودَانِ
مَا لا يَوَدُّ دَوَامَهُ القُطْرَانِ
2. O delegation of honor which has come
In all hearts you have the most precious place
٢. يَا بَعْثَةَ الشَّرَفِ الَّتِي وَفَدَتْ وَفِي
كُلِّ القُلُوبِ لَهَا أَعَزُّ مَكَانِ
3. Egypt has received you, not stinting
A mother's embrace of virtuous sons
٣. لَقَيَتْكَ مِصْرُ وَمَا تَغَالَتْ مُلْتَقَىً
أُمٍّ لأَيْرَارِ مِنَ الوُمدَانِ
4. Joyous with the eminent visitors
Of piety, knowledge, courage and benevolence
٤. مَزْهُوَّةً بِالزَّائِرِينَ أُولى التُّقَى
وَالعِلْمِ وَالإقْدَامِ وَالإِحْْسَانِ
5. It has not failed in any duty which would gain
For you esteem, if it was within its means
٥. مَا قَصَّرَتْ عَنْ وَاجِبٍ تَقْضِي بِهِ
لَكُمُ الكَرَامَةُ وَهْوَ فِي الإِمْكَانِ
6. And of its fine gestures, the return of the President
And your return at the same time
٦. وَمِنَ الإِتَاحَاتِ الجَمِيلَةِ عِنْدَهَا
عَوْدُ الرَّئِيسِ وَعَوْدُكُمْ فِي آنِ
7. The President has returned, fulfilling its hopes
So, the feast in its bounds is two feasts
٧. عَادَ الرَّئِيسُ مُحَقِّقاً آمَالَهَا
فَالعِيدُ فِي أَرْجَائِهَا عِيدَانِ
8. He has established in it the constitution and its independence
Reaching completeness, firmly constructed
٨. أَرْسَى بِهَا الدُّسْتُورَ وَاسْتِقْلالُهَا
بَلَغَ التَّمَامَ مَوَطَّدِ البُنْيَانِ
9. Its shackles have disintegrated and withdrawn
From it the shadows of tyranny and aggression
٩. وَتَفَكَّكَتْ أَغْلالُهَا وَتَقَلَّصَتْ
عَنْهَا ظِلالُ البَغْي وَالعُدْوَانِ
10. Fruits of what Saad's hand planted and what
Watered the souls of old and young
١٠. ثَمَرَاتُ مَا غَرَسَتْ يَدَا سَعْدٍ وَمَا
أَرْوَتْ نُفُوسَ الشِّيبِ وَالشُّبَّانِ
11. Martyrs whose names the dust does not know
And their blood in the plains and monuments
١١. شهَدَاءُ لَمْ تَعْلُ الذُّرَى أَسْمَاؤُهُمْ
وَدِمَاؤُهُمْ فِي القَّاعِ وَالأَرْكَانِ
12. Their devotions have watered the thirsty valleys
With mercy and satisfaction
١٢. سَقَتِ الغَوَادِي ظَامِئَاتٍ خُلُوعِهِمْ
سَيْباً مِنَ الرَّحَمَاتِ وَالرُّضْوَانِ
13. Love the day of victory and the brethren in
The loyal swords of victory meeting
١٣. أَحْبِبْ بِيَوْمِ النَّصْرِ وَالإِخْوَانِ فِي
أَفِيَاءِ سَيْفِ النَّصْرِ يَلْتَقِيَانِ
14. And the grandees of both countries gathered
Of leaders, scholars, and noblemen
١٤. وَأَعَاظِمُ القُطْرَينِ مُجْتَمِعُونَ مِنْ
زُعَمَاءِ أَوْ عُلَمَاءِ أَوْ أَعْيَانِ
15. The essence of the zealous men
Its kindness to the essence of the two guests
١٥. تَجْلُو الخُلاصَةُ مِنْ رِجَالاتِ الحِمَى
أَلْطَافَهَا لِخُلاصَةِ الضَّيْفَانِ
16. In a blooming garden, beautifully adorned
Adorned in its beauty by both eyes
١٦. فِي رَوْضَةٍ أَنِفٍ مُنَسَّقَةِ الحِلَى
نَسَقاً تَقِرُّ بِحُسْنِهِ العَيْنَانِ
17. Vying in honoring them, the embellishments
What no poet's verse has accomplished
١٧. تَتَنَاشَدُ الزِّينَاتُ فِي إِكْرَامِهِمْ
مَا لَيْسَ يَنْشُدُ شَاعِرٌ بِلِسَانِ
18. Or the verse of flowers and basil surpassed
What the word of lips has not conveyed
١٨. هَلْ فِي أَزَاهِرِهَا وَفِي رَايَاتِهَا
إِلاَّ بَدِيعٌ لِلنُّهَى وَمَعَانِ
19. The glance of eyes has, most eloquently
So may Egypt live, and its part Sudan
١٩. بَيْنَ ارْتِقَاصِ الظِّلِّ فِيهَا وَالسَّنَى
وَتَغَازُلَ الأَضْوَاءِ وَالأَلْوَانِ
20. And may the unity of Egypt and Sudan live
And long live Farouk the rightly guided King
٢٠. مَا لَمْ يَجِدْ نَظْمُ القَريضِ أَجَادَهُ
أَوْ زَادَ نَظْمُ الوَرْدِ وَالرَّيْحَانِ
21. And be honored under his banner, both countries
٢١. مَا لَمْ يَفِدْ لَفْظُ الشِّفَاهِ أَفَادَهُ
لَحْظُ العُيُونِ بِأَفْصَحِ البَيَّانِ
٢٢. فَلْتَحْيَا مِصْرُ وَشَطْرُهَا سُودَانُهَا
وَلتَحْيَا وِحْدَةُ مِصْرَ وَالسُّودَانِ
٢٣. وَليَحْيَا فَارُوقُ المَلِيكُ المُفْتَدَى
وَيَعِزُّ تَحْتَ لِوائِهِ القُطْراَنِ