
Fly away little king

طر أيها الملك الصغير

1. Fly away little king
And return to the radiant assembly

١. طِرْ أَيُّهَا المَلِكُ الصَّغِيرْ
وَارْجَعْ إِلى المَلإِ المُنِيرْ

2. This was not your place
Among the vulgarities and evils

٢. مَا كانَ شَأْنُكَ ها هُنَا
َيْنَ المَخَازِي والشُّرُورْ

3. Those impurities were not meant
To taint your pure nature

٣. تِلْكَ الشوَائِبُ لَمْ تكُنْ
لِتَشُوبَ فِطْرَتَكَ الطَّهُورْ

4. Oh son of dust you were saved
From the mud of dust while still light

٤. يَا ابْنَ التُّرَابِ خَلُصْتَ مِنْ
عَلَقِ التُّرَابِ وَأَنْتَ نُورْ

5. And you survived the war of life
So blessed be this fate

٥. وَنَجَوْتَ مِنْ حَرَبِ الحَياةِ
فَحَبَّذَا هَذَا المصِيرْ