
She complained of a twinge in her eyelid from its burden

شكت عارضا في الجفن ناء بحمله

1. She complained of a twinge in her eyelid from its burden
It rivals, beneath the eyelashes, the clinging of love

١. شَكَتْ عَارِضاً في الْجَفْنِ نَاءَ بِحَمْلِهِ
يُشَاكِلُ تَحْتَ الهُدْبِ عَالِقَةَ الحَبِّ

2. So she said, may Allah prolong the life of an unseemly guest
Whom they name beggar in the language of medicine

٢. فَقَالَتْ لَحَاهُ اللهُ ضَيْفاً مُشَوِّهاً
يُسَمَّونَهُ الشَّحاذُ فِي لُغَةِ الطِّبِّ

3. So I said to her, in sympathy for him, though he transgressed:
Yes, he is a beggar, but he is my heart

٣. فَقُلْتُ لهَا عَطْفاً عَلَيْهِ وَإِنْ جَنَى
نَعم هُوَ شَحَّاذٌ وَلَكِنَّه قَلْبِي

4. She said: What does he seek? I answered her:
A look that takes refuge from the pain of being stricken

٤. فَقَالَتْ وَمَاذَا يَبْتَغِي فَأَجَبْتُهَا
سَمَا يَسْتَجِيرُ الطَّرْفَ مِنْ أَلَمِ الضَّرْبِ