
Take the best of poetry from what the composer has created

خذ جيد الشعر مما أثبت الماحي

1. Take the best of poetry from what the composer has created
None has embellished poetry like the accomplished composer

١. خُذْ جَيِّدَ الشِّعرِ مِمَّا أَثْبَتَ المَاحِي
مَا جَوَّدَ الشِّعْرَ مِثْلُ المُثْبِتِ المَاحِي

2. An anthology of an era in which you see its masterpieces
From every blossoming or every flashing one

٢. ديوَانُ عَصْرٍ تَرَى فِيهِ رَوَائِعَه
مِنْ كُلِّ مُزْدَهِرٍ أَوْ كُلِّ لَمَّاحِ

3. It strings words so minds are in rapture
From the bliss of the soul, not from the bliss of the wind

٣. يُسَلْسِلُ اللَّفْظَ فَالألْبَابُ فِي طَرَبٍ
مِنْ نَشْوَةِ الرُّوحِ لاَ مِن نَشْوَةِ الرَّاحِ

4. You see its rhymes in their beauty like plants
As lamps follow one another

٤. تَرَى قَوَافِيه فِي حُسْنِهَا نَبَتاً
كَمَا تَلاَحَقَ مِصْبَاحٌ بِمِصْبَاحِ

5. When he recites it in a gathering and declaims it
You hear a clear and eloquent verse

٥. إِذَا تَرَنَّم بَيْنَ الحَفْلِ يُنْشِدُهُ
سَمِعْتَ آيَةَ تَبْيَانٍ وَإِفْصَاحِ