
Is there any consolation in words

هل للمعزي في القول تعزية

1. Is there any consolation in words
For one who's gone, lost without trace?

١. هل للمعزي في القول تعزية
وهل يقول عن ذاهب عوض

2. Gabriel was peerless in healing -
Honors for one such as he are a must.

٢. جبريل في الطب كان نابغة
لمثله التكرمات تفترض

3. He died but his legacy remains
Alive through time, never to rust.

٣. مات وآثاره له خلف
حي على الدهر ليس ينقرض

4. With his knowledge, he led the vanguard
Of his people, when healing's art thrust

٤. بعلمه كان في الطليعة من
قوم وفي الأولين إذ نهضوا

5. No surprise his time was so brief
Though of illness he showed not a gust.

٥. لا عجب إن قضى لساعته
وما به علة ولا مرض

6. Illness he warded, while wielding its cure,
Yet its charge was too great to combust.

٦. تجنبته الأمراض وهو بها
أفتك منها فغاله عرض

7. No cure exists for the spirit's travails
Our plans thereby shattered, nonplussed.

٧. نوازل الروح لا دواء لها
تفسد تدبيرنا فينتقض

8. To God is the matter, His judgment supreme
None can oppose what He deems is just.

٨. والأمر لله والقضاء له
فيما يرى ما عليه معترض