
We salute the first callers

نحيي الداعيات الأوليات

1. We salute the first callers
To the conference of virtuous women

١. نُحَيِّي الدَّاعِيَاتِ الأَولِيَاتِ
لِمُؤْتَمَرِ النِّساءِ الفُضْلَيَاتِ

2. Whenever there is a meeting in Egypt
A meeting of the East from all directions

٢. إِذَا مَا كَانَ فِي مِصْرَ التَّلاَقِي
تَلاَقِي الشَّرْقِ مِنْ شَتَّى الجِهَاتِ

3. Peace upon you, guarded from passions
You who are chaste and modest

٣. سَلاَمٌ يَا حَصِيفَاتِ الغَوَانِي
مِنَ الْمَتَصَوِّنَاتِ الْمُحْصِنَاتِ

4. Peace upon you, noble in manner
You who volunteer and do good

٤. سَلاَمٌ يا رَفِيعَاتِ السَّجايَا
مِنَ الْمُتَطَوِّعَاتِ الْمُحْسِنَاتِ

5. Peace upon you, daughters of the East
It is time for seriousness, for the daughters

٥. سَلاَمٌ يَا بَنَاتِ الشَّرْقِ هَذا
أَوَانُ الجَدِّ فيهِ لِلْبَنَاتِ