
Your book al-Rashid is a book of truth

كتابك في الرشيد كتاب صدق

1. Your book al-Rashid is a book of truth
It is history returned to reality

١. كتابك في الرشيد كتاب صدق
هو التاريخ رد إلى الحقيقه

2. On its events you shed light
That penetrated its deep abysses

٢. على أحداثه ارسلت ضوءا
تغلغل في مهاويها السحيقه

3. By taking accounts from trusted opinions about it
It guided you to its intimate bonds

٣. بأخذ عن ثقات الرأي فيها
هداك إلى روابطها الوثيقة

4. So you were not mistaken in understanding and consideration
Of its noble and precise aims

٤. فلم تخطئك فهما واعتبارا
مراميها الجليلة والدقيقة

5. And how much hidden meaning you brought out
With your refined elegant phrasing

٥. وكم مغزى خفي أبرزته
عبارتك المصفاة الأنيقة

6. And how many riddles that refuse solutions
Their solving and inspiration were made clear to you

٦. وكم أحجية تأبى حلولا
جلا لك حلها وحي السليقه

7. You make it seem by your description of relics that they come alive
And their ancient wonders flare up

٧. تكاد بوصفك الآثار تحيا
وقد دت روائعها العتيقة

8. So they returned as they were formerly
To the wonder and esteem of all creation

٨. فعادت مثلما كانت قديما
بغعجاب وإكبار خليقة

9. May God protect those hands that wrote to please
With a free spirit and unfettered hand

٩. رعى الله التي كتبت لترضي
بنفس حرة ويد طليقه

10. And literature has accounts to settle
When it connects with sunken lineages

١٠. وللآداب أحساب غوال
إذا اتصلت بأنساب غريقه