
My Master, his nature overflows with bounty,

مولاي جاري في الندى طبعه

1. My Master, his nature overflows with bounty,
While I, alas, am overwhelmed by my own weakness.

١. مولاي جاري في الندى طبعه
وعله جار على ضعفي

2. I've not the strength to tell of all he's granted me -
So how could I ever hope my thanks to express?

٢. أصبحت لا أقوى على عد ما
أسدى فهل أقوى على الوصف

3. What am I, what are my affairs, compared to Him
Who wills all things for reasons no mind can assess?

٣. ما أنا ما شأني ولكنه
شاء وهذا للعلى يكفي

4. Where is the eloquence, though it obeys my whim,
Where is the voice, O heart, that might your longing impress?

٤. أين بيان وهو لي طيعٌ
وأين ذاك الصوت يا لهفي

5. May he live long, Farouq, who makes of goodness twice -
With gracious charm he adds, redoubling each kindness.

٥. ليحيى فاروق ومن مثله
يضاعف الإحسان باللطف

6. Most high in manners, by the favor he supplies,
His overflowing grace lifts virtue's star the highest!

٦. قد بلغ الآداب أسمى الذرى
بفضل ما يولي من العطف