
Neither your features nor virtues could save you,

لم تغن منك شمائل وفضائل

1. Neither your features nor virtues could save you,
O Tawfiq, the name in which I sought refuge.

١. لم تغن منك شمائل وفضائل
واسم به عوذت يا توفيق

2. But your Lord willed you to attain His nearness quickly,
While your people missed attaining harmony.

٢. بل شاء ربك أن تفوز بقربه
عجلا وأخطأ قومك التوفيق

3. Could the life of this world be an abode of righteousness,
To prolong the stay of a friend in it?

٣. هل كانت الدنيا مقاما صالحا
ليطيل فيه مكثه الصديق

4. So enter the Gardens of Eternity,
And frolic happily, released from the prison of life as you are free.

٤. فادخل جنان الخلد
وامرح ناجيا من محبس الدنيا فأنت طليق

5. Today the good deeds you forwarded benefit you,
And through them the reward is guaranteed.

٥. اليوم تنفعك المبرات التي
أسلفتها وبها الثواب خليق

6. As for your brief stay amongst us,
It keeps our remembrance of you alive, and stirs yearning.

٦. أما إقامتك القصيرة بيننا
فتدوم ذكرانا لها وتشوق

7. The dearest thing that remains with one who has departed,
Is a pact, though the tombstone be smooth.

٧. وأحب ما يبقى لخدن راحل
عهد وإن سط المزار وثيق

8. Many a cheerful night that your tears graced,
Grieving for you, with burning embers inside.

٨. كم بات ملتاع تسح دموعه
حزنا عليك وفي حشاه حروق

9. A bride in mourning, a bereft mother,
A grieving sister, and a brother.

٩. عرس مدلهة وأم ثاكل
وشقيقة محزونة وشقيق

10. Your family was distraught over losing you,
Though you were no more than a brother and friend to them.

١٠. وأباعد جزعوا عليك ولم يكن
لك بينهم إلا أخ وصديق

11. O star that deprived eyes of their light!
Wondrous is your setting while still time to rise!

١١. يا كوكبا سلب العيون ضياءها
عجب غروبك والأوان شروق

12. Your faithful family laments sorrowfully,
Shocked by its harshness while you were gentle.

١٢. أوثت أسرتك الوفية حسرة
راعت بقسوتها وأنت رفيق

13. Through you the flowing glory of your family increased,
And glory in it is ingrained and time-honored.

١٣. هي أسرة بك زيد طارف مجدها
والمجد فيها تالد وعريق

14. Its youth are the best of the protectors’ youth,
And all of them, like you, are kept under watch.

١٤. فتيانها من خير فتيان الحمى
وعلى مثالك كلهم موموق

15. So may they be entrusted with caring for their land,
For the standard of virtues has been raised in their name.

١٥. فليسلموا لبلادهم فلقد غدا
علم المناقب باسمهم معتوق