1. O you who have reached sublime heights,
Do you see beyond what you have attained any goal?
ูก. ุฃูููููุง ุงูุจูุงููุบู ุงูุซููุฑููููุง ู
ูููู ุชูุฑูู ูููููู ู
ูุง ุจูููุบูุชู ู
2. How soon did signs of your genius appear
Startling dreams with their innovations.
ูข. ููู
ู ุจูุฏูุชู ู
ููููู ุจูุงุฏูุฑูุงุชู ููุจููุบู
ุญููููุฑูุชู ุจูุงุจูุชูููุงุฑูููุง ุงูุฃูุญููุงู
3. So a youth outshines the elders
Who spent their days in experience,
ูฃ. ููุฅุฐูุง ููุงููุนู ููุจูุฒูู ุดููููุฎุงู
ููู ุงูุชููุฌูุงุฑููุจู ุฃููููููุง ุงูุฃูููุงู
4. None can equal him in courage of one who shepherds
And guides the best of all who lead and tend the flock,
ูค. ูุง ููุจุงุฑูููู ููู ุฅุณูุงู
ูุฉู ู
ููู ููุฑู
ู ุฎูููุฑู ู
ููู ุฑูุนูู ููุฃูุณูุงู
5. He aids religion, spreads knowledge and art,
Confirms order, laws and justice,
ูฅ. ููููุตูุฑู ุงูุฏููููู ููููุดูุฑู ุงูุนููู
ู ููุงูููููู
ููููุฑูู ุงููููุธูุงู
ู ููุงูุฃูุญูููุงู
6. Repels distress, wards off harm with ease,
And shields from plagues and pains.
ูฆ. ููู
ูููุนู ุงูุซููุบูุฑู ููุฏูููุนู ุงูุนูุณูุฑู ุจูุงูููุณู
ุฑู ููุฐููุฏู ุงูุนููุงูุชู ููุงูุขูุงู
7. What glory you created, O noble youth,
All the great kings are eclipsed by you.
ูง. ุฃูููู ู
ูุฌูุฏู ุฃูููุดูุฃูุชููู ููุง ููุชูู ุงูุฑุฃู
ูู ููุจูุงููู ุจููู ุงูู
ูููููู ุงูุนูุธูุงู
8. What conquest is nobler than one where no armies
Were marshalled, no swords were drawn?
ูจ. ุฃูููู ุฎูููุฑู ุงูููุชููุญู ู
ูุง ููู
ู ุชูุนูุจูููุกู
ููููู ุฌูููุดุงู ููููู
ู ุชูุฌูุฑููุฏู ุญูุณูุงู
9. Love of you redoubled the peopleโs love,
Were it not for awe, it would be passion.
ูฉ. ุญูุจูููู ุงูุดููุนูุจู ุถูุงุนููู ุงูุญูุจู ููู ุงูุดููุนู
ุจู ูููููููุง ุงูุฅุฌููุงูู ููุงูู ุบูุฑูุงู
10. This is genius of heart and soul, soaring
Where none can vie once it takes flight.
ูกู . ููุฐููู ุนูุจูููุฑููููุฉู ุงูููููุจู ููุงูุฑููู
ุญู ุฅุฐูุง ู
ูุง ุณูู
ูุง ุจูููุง ูุง ููุณูุงู
11. Your feast today, what worthy one
Looks for it year after year with longing?
ูกูก. ุนููุฏููู ุงูููููู
ู ุฃูููู ุฌูุฏููุฑู
ุจูุงุฑูุชูููุงุจู ุงูู
ูุดูููู ุนูุงู
ุงู ููุนูุงู
12. In your lofty realm, angels of grace
Rejoice that the feast be not forlorn,
ูกูข. ููู ุฐูุฑูุงูู ุงูุนูุงููู ู
ููุงุฆููู ุจูุฑูู
ููุฑูุญู ุงูุนููุฏู ุนูุงููููุง ุฃููู ุชูููุงู
13. And hope remains attendant on the king
Preparing decorations and banners.
ูกูฃ. ููุฃูุจูุงุชู ุงูุฑููุฌูุงุกู ุญูุงุถูุฑูุฉู ุงูู
ูู ุชูุนูุฏูู ุงูุฒูููููุงุชู ููุงูุฃูุนููุงู
14. Why did you leave Egypt unseen,
Deprived of its lights and melodies?
ูกูค. ูููู
ู ููุงุฑูููุชู ู
ูุตูุฑู ููู
ู ุชูุดูููุฏู ุงูุฃูููู
ุงุฑู ูููููุง ููุชูุณูู
ูุนู ุงูุฃูููุบูุงู
15. Abandon palace and delight for where?
Seeking remotest Saโid as your goal,
ูกูฅ. ุชูุชูุฑููู ุงูุตููุฑูุญู ููุงููููุนููู
ู ุฅูููู ุฃููู
ูู ููุชูุจูุบูู ุฃูููุตูู ุงูุตููุนููุฏู ุนููุงู
16. Roving the deserts, crossing wastes and sands,
The lifeless expanses spread around you.
ูกูฆ. ู
ูุฏูููุฌุงู ู
ูุณูุฑูุฌุงู ุชูุฌููุจู ุงูุตููุญุงุฑู
ููุชูุฌููุฒู ุงูุฃูุบูููุงุฑู ููุงูุขููุงู
17. What is it treads on vitality and health
To these lands of waste and perils?
ูกูง. ุฃูุชูุฒููุฑู ุงูุฃูุฑูุถู ุงูู
ูููุงุชู ููุชูุนูุชูุง
ู ุดูููุงุกู ู
ุงู ููููุชูุงู
18. Death in everything that crawls appears,
No movement shows, or form discerned.
ูกูจ. ู
ูุง ุงูููุฐูู ูููุทููุกู ุงููููุถูุงุฑูุฉู ูุงูุตููุญูู
ุฉู ููุฐูู ุงูุฃูููุถูุงุฑู ููุงูุฃูุณูููุงู
19. My King, how could you brave its defenses
In the wilds, fearing no revenge?
ูกูฉ. ููุงูู
ูููุงููุง ููู ููููู ู
ูุง ุฏูุจูู ูุง ุชูุจู
ุฏูู ุญูุฑูุงูุงู ูููุง ุชูุฑูู ุฃุฌูุฑูุงู
20. Centers of plague where from their dens
Beasts of prey and snakes are banned.
ูขู . ููุง ู
ููููููู ูููููู ุงููุชูุญู
ูุชู ุญูู
ููู ุงูุฏููููุงุฌูู ููู
ูุง ุฎูุดููุชู ุงููุชูููุงู
21. Pastures for cattle where only
Herds can be called cattle.
ูขูก. ุจูุคูุฑู ูููููุจูุงุกู ุขู
ููู ู
ุฃููู ุชูุฒููุฑู ุงูุขุณูุงุฏู ููุงูุขุฌูุงู
22. Are these the remnant of a people whose strength
Built pyramids enduring timeโs erosion?
ูขูข. ููู
ูุขูู ูููู ุงูุญูุธูุงุฆูุฑู ูููููุงู
ุฃูููู ููุทูุนูุงููููุง ุชูุณูู
ููู ุฃููุงู
23. This courage you showed in the path you took
Does courage greatest honor.
ูขูฃ. ุฃููููุฐูู ูููู ุงูุจููููููุฉู ู
ููู ุดูุนู
ุจู ุดูุฏููุฏู ุงูููููู ุจูููู ุงูุฃููุฑูุงู
24. Not the dawn shows it is a feast
Or comforting the harmed defines the brave.
ูขูค. ุฅูููู ููุฐูุง ุงูุฅูููุฏูุงู
ู ูููู
ูุง ุชูููุฌูููู
ุชู ุฅููููููู ููุดูุฑูููู ุงูุฅูููุฏูุงู
25. No glory for those who dread the wheel of chance,
No striving for those who love repose.
ูขูฅ. ููููุณู ููุงุฑูููู ู
ููู ููุฑูู ุงูุนููุฏู ุนููุฏุงู
ุฃููู ููุฌููุฑู ุงูุญูุฑููุจู ููุงูู
26. Men wondered when you came in view,
Unsure if waking or in a dream.
ูขูฆ. ู
ูุง ุงูู
ูุฑูุงููู ููู
ููู ููุฎูุงูู ุฏููุงุฑุงู
ูุง ุงูู
ูุณูุงุนูู ููู
ููู ููุญูุจูู ุงูุฌูู
27. What beauty in the radiant face of this youth
Rising like a full moon glowing.
ูขูง. ุนูุฌูุจู ุงูููููู
ู ุฅูุฐู ุชูุฑูุงุกู ููููู
ู ููุฏู
ุฑููุง ุฃูุตูุญููุงู ููุฑููููููู ุฃูู
ู ู
28. Can this be flesh and blood, the promised King?
Our eyes strain to see from afar.
ูขูจ. ุฃูููู ุญูุณููู ููู ููุฌููู ููุฐูุง ุงูููุชูู ุงูู
ุฑููู ููุฌูููู ููููููุงุณู ุจูุฏูุฑุงู ุชูู
29. Never did we see the kings that went before
Except as figures on walls or idols.
ูขูฉ. ุฃูู
ููู ุงููุญูู
ู ููุงูุฏููู
ู ุงูู
ููููู ุงูู
ููู ูุฃูุจูุตูุงุฑูููุง ุฅูููููู ุชูุฑูุงู
30. You came favoring us, and had you given nothing,
Just seeing you would have sufficed.
ูฃู . ู
ูุง ุดูููุฏูููุง ุงูู
ูููููู ู
ููู ููุจููู ุฅูุง
ุตูููุฑุงู ููู ุงูุฌูุฏูุงุฑู ุฃููู ุฃูุตูููุงู
31. Your efforts lightened our burdens,
How we wished to kiss your feet!
ูฃูก. ุฌูุงุกูููุง ู
ุงู ูููููู ููู
ู ููุฒูุฏูููุง
ููููููุงููุง ููููุงุคููู ุฅููุนูุงู
32. You restored our eyesight with your gifts,
Food, clothing, all that life sustains.
ูฃูข. ุณูุนููููู ููููููู ุงูุนูุณููุฑู ุนููููููุง
ููููุฏูุฏูููุง ูููู ููููุซูู
ู ุงูุฃูููุฏูุงู
33. We rose with no cry of misery,
Slept with no weeping of orphans.
ูฃูฃ. ุฑูุฏูู ุฃุฑูู
ูุงููููุง ุจูู
ูุง ููู
ูุณููู ุงูุฃูุฑู
ูุงูู ุทูุจูุงู ููููุณูููุฉู ููุทูุนูุงู
34. Can our thanks repay even if we gave you
Our souls and bodies in devotion?
ูฃูค. ููููููุถูููุง ูููุง ููููุงุญู ุซูููุงููู
ููุฑูููุฏูููุง ูููุง ุจูููุงุกู ููุชูุงู
35. O King who toured the countryside,
Noble are your kind acts and guidance.
ูฃูฅ. ูููู ูููููููููู ุดูููุฑูููุง ูููู ุจูุฐูููููุง
ููู ููููุงูู ุงูุฃุฑูููุงุญู ููุงูุฃุฌูุณูุงู
36. What joy for rural folk to look upon
The smiling face of their time.
ูฃูฆ. ููุง ู
ูููููุงู ุฃูุฌูุฑูู ุนูููู ุงูุฑููููู ุฃู
ุทูุงูุงู ููุฒููููู ุฃูุทุงูููู ุฅููู
37. To describe the joy in your subjectsโ hearts,
Throughout the land defeats description.
ูฃูง. ุฃูููู ุณูุนูุฏู ูููุฑููููู ูููููู ุจูู
ุขูู ููุฑูู ููุฌููู ุฏูููุฑููู ุงูุจูุณููุงู
38. Gone are days when arbitrary power reigned,
No rights for people, who suffered wrongs.
ูฃูจ. ููุตููู ู
ูุง ููุงุถู ู
ููู ุณูุฑููุฑู ุจููููู
ููู ุงูุฃูููุงูููู
ู ููุนูุฌูุฒู ุงูุฃูููุงู
39. God forgive Egypt through her righteous King
For her sins and transgressions.
ูฃูฉ. ุฒูุงูู ุนูููุฏู ููู
ู ููุฑูุนู ู
ููู ุณูุงุฏู ููููู
ุญูููู ุดูุนูุจู ููููููู ุทูููู ููุฃูููุงู
40. Guard him and guard her, facilitate his rule,
And make them both endure and last.
ูคู . ุฑูุจููููุง ุงุบูููุฑู ููู
ูุตูุฑู ุจูุงูู
ููููู ุงูุตููุง
ููุญู ุชูููู ุงูุฐูููููุจู ููุงูุขุซูุงู
ูคูก. ููุงุฑูุนููู ููุงุฑูุนูููุง ููููุณููุฑู ูููู ุงูุฃู
ุฑู ููููุณููุฑู ููููุง ููุฏูุงู
ูุชู ููุฏูุงู