1. How can you apologize when an embassy is more fitting?
You could only accept consent and acceptance
١. كَيْفَ اعْتِذَارُكَ وَالسَّفَارَةُ أَوْلَى
لَمْ تَسْتَطِعْ إِلاَّ رِضا وَقُبُولاَ
2. Egypt’s consensus called you while you are a treasure
And the success you achieve is assured
٢. إِجْمَاعُ مِصْرَ دَعَا وَأَنْتَ ذخِيرَةٌ
وَمُحَققٌ إِنْجَاحُكَ المَأْمُولاَ
3. Or have you not become accustomed to attaining the goal
In what you have taken on, and it is no small thing
٣. أَوْ مَا تَعَوَّدْتَ البُلُوغَ إِلَى المُنَى
فِيمَا اضْطَلَعْتَ بِهِ وَلَيْسَ قَلِيلاَ
4. In all that you were assigned or took over
You have not come except beneficial and momentous
٤. فِي كُلِّ مَا وُلِّيتَهُ أَوْ سُسْتَهُ
لَمْ تَأْتِ إِلاَّ نَافِعاً وَجَلِيلاَ
5. Not to mention you exemplify refinement in a nation
That has praised you for refinement
٥. نَاهِيكَ بِالتَّمْثِيلِ تَرْعَى فَنْهُ
فِي أُمَّةٍ حَمَدَتْ بِكَ التَّمْثِيلاَ
6. O you whom the country rightly chose and was not
Lacking in courageous men for this position
٦. يَا مَنْ بِحَقٍّ آثَرَتْهُ وَلَمْ تَكُنْ
مِصْرُ لِتُعْدَمَ فِي الرِّجَالِ فُحْولاَ
7. It recognized a mind whose wisdom was evident
So it threw the distinguished mind to the country of bright minds
٧. بِكَ آنَسَتْ عَقْلاً بِدَا رَجَحَانُهُ
فَرَمَتْ بِهِ البَلَدَ الرَّجِيحَ عُقُولاَ
8. One whose origins are free and pure
Avoids arrogance and pretentiousness
٨. مَنْ كَانَ حُرّاً طَاهِراً أَعرَاقُهُ
يَتَجَنَّبُ الخَيَلاَءَ وَالتْخيِيِلاَ
9. Diverse in his qualities, unique in his traits
Devoted in his goals, busy in his tasks
٩. مُتَعَدَّداً بِصِفَاتِهِ مُتَفَرِّداً
بِحَصَاتِهِ مُتَفَرِّغاً مَشْغُولاً
10. Clarifying the truth in his response when
Facing an important question needing an answer
١٠. مُتَبَيِّناً بِالْحَقِّ كَيْفَ جَوَابُهُ
إِنْ كَانَ يَوْمَ مُهِمِّةٍ مَسْؤُولاَ
11. Without innovation, his country placed upon him
Reliance in a position like this
١١. لاَ بِدْعَ أَنْ جَعَلَتْ عَلَيْهِ بِلاَدُهُ
فِي مِثْلِ هَذَا المَنْصِبِ التَّعْوِيلاَ
12. And added beauty to beauty by
Gifting him the sash of Ismail
١٢. وَأَضَافَتِ الجُسْنَى إِلَى الحُسْنَى بِأَنْ
أَهْدَتْ إِلَيْهِ وِشَاحَ إِسْمَعِيلاَ
13. Knowledge you collected branches to its origins
And knowledge is what you completed commendably
١٣. عِلْمٌ جَمَعْتَ إِلَى الأُصُولِ فُرُوعَهُ
وَالعِلُمُ مَا أَتْمَمْتَهْ تَفْضِيلاَ
14. And skill in solving even the most complex
When debaters have refused solutions
١٤. وَبَرَاعَةٌ فِي حَلِّ مَا هُوَ مُعْضِلٌ
حَيْثُ المُعَاضِلُ قَدْ أَبَيْنَ حُلُولاَ
15. And a vision in obscure matters that sees clearly
Its unknowns stalking the unknown
١٥. وَمَجَالُ رَأْيٍ فِي الغَوَامِضِ مُبْصِرٍ
مَعْلُومُهُ يَتَصَيِّدُ المَجْهُولاَ
16. And wisdom that guides you if guidance is difficult
And shows you a pleasing way to correctness
١٦. وَكِيَاسَةٌ تُهْدِيكَ إِنْ عَزَّ الهُدَى
وَتُرِيكَ وَجْهاً لِلصَّوَابِ جَمِيلا
17. So with one look at the intricate matter
You elucidate it unambiguously
١٧. فَبِنَظْرَةٍ في الأمْرِ وَهْوَ مْعَقدٌ
تجْلُوهُ لاَ لُبْسا وَلاَ تَأوِيلاَ
18. We have gathered as a family for your farewell
To fulfill the rights of our dean with veneration
١٨. إِنّا اجْتَمَعْنَا فِي وِدَاعِكَ أُسْرَةً
تَقْضِي حْقُوقَ عَمِيدَهَا تَبْجِيلاَ
19. And to bestow on you the Riyadh’s gratitude for the rain
That watered its thirst for a long time
١٩. وَتَبُثَّهُ شُكْرَ الرَّيَاضِ لِدِيمَةٍ
هَطَّالَةٍ أَرْوَتْ لَهُنْ غَلِيلاَ
20. It is a family whose cream of the crop are dedicated to it
They planted goodness and reap goodness
٢٠. هِيَ أُسْرَةٌ مُتَعَهِّدْوهَا صَفْوَةٌ
زَرَعُوا الجَمِيلَ وَيَحْصُدْونَ جَمِيلاَ
21. They gave it their knowledge, brilliance,
And efforts that were not spared
٢١. بَذَلُوا لَهَا مِنْ عِلْمِهِمْ وَنُبُوغِهِمْ
وَجُهُودِهِمْ مَا لَمْ يَكُنْ مَبْذُولاَ
22. Yesterday Najeeb established it and built
Pride that records it for him
٢٢. بِالأَمْسِ أَنْشَأَهَا نَجِيبٌ فَابْتَنَى
فَخْراً تُسَجِّلُهُ لَهُ تَسْجِيلاَ
23. And today Ali sponsors it
Towards steady success that guarantees
٢٣. وَالْيَوْمَ يَكْفَلُهَا عَلِيٌّ نَاحِياً
نَحْواً بِمُطَّرَدِ النَّجَاحِ كَفِيلاَ
24. Thus it sees the increase of its minister
As a victory from which it hopes for abundant good
٢٤. فَلِذَاكَ تَعْتَدُّ ازْدِيَادَ وَزِيرِهَا
فَتْحاً تُرَجِّي الخَيْرَ مِنْهُ جَزِيلاَ
25. And it is happiness that Muhammad
Is an aide to him in governance and deputy
٢٥. وَمِنَ السَّعَادَةِ أَنْ يَكُونَ مُحَمَّدٌ
فِي الْحِكْمِ مِعْوناً لَهُ وَوَكِيلاَ
26. What a superb deputy whose opinion is never
Delivered except that it is well-founded
٢٦. نِعْمَ الوَكِيلُ وَمَا تُرَاهُ مُدْلِياً
بِالرَّأْي إِلاَّ أَنْ يَكُونَ أَصِيلاَ
27. A man who when he undertakes, undertakes perfectly
And when he claims, presents evidence
٢٧. رَجُلٌ إِذَا مَا شَادَ شَادَ مُتَمِّماً
وَإِذَا ادَّعَى دَعْوَى أَقَامَ دَلِيلاَ
28. Egypt’s ambassador go proudly guided
And alongside excellence, cleanse the Nile
٢٨. أَسَفِيرُ مِصْرَ اذْهَبْ عَزِيزاً رَاشِداً
وَبِجَانِبِ التَّامِيزِ زَكِّ النِّيلاَ
29. We anticipate from you feats
From which the country reaps long yields
٢٩. إِنَّا لَمُرْتَقِبُونَ مِنْكَ مَآثِراً
تَجْنِي البِلاَدُ ثِمَارَهُنَّ طَويلا