
I praise the two sons of Allah's Messenger with the best praise

أثني على ابني رسول الله أفضل ما

1. I praise the two sons of Allah's Messenger with the best praise
With which anyone has ever praised anyone

١. أُثني عَلى ابنَي رَسولِ اللَهِ أَفضَل ما
أَثنى بِهِ أَحَدٌ يَوماً عَلى أَحَدِ

2. The two noble masters, every affiliated one
From parents, in-laws, and children

٢. السيّدَينِ الكَريمَي كلِّ مُنصَرفٍ
مِن والدَينِ وَمِن صِهرٍ وَمن وَلدِ

3. A lineage, some of which from some of it lived
In an origin of glorious high column and pillar

٣. ذُرِّيَّةٌ بَعضُها مِن بَعضِها عَمِرَت
في أَصلِ مجدٍ رَفيعِ السَمكِ وَالعَمَدِ

4. What good did the righteous Hasan build for them
And Hasan and Ali constructed for tomorrow

٤. ماذا بَنى لَهُم مِن صالِحٍ حَسَنٌ
وَحَسنٌ وَعليّ وَاِبتَنوا لِغَدِ

5. So Allah honored that house with an honor
That remains and eternally endures in it

٥. فَكَرَّمَ اللَهُ ذاكَ البَيتَ تَكرمةً
تَبقى وَتَخلُدُ فيهِ آخِرَ الأَبَدِ

6. They are the breeze and dew, in their spears
If the poles were bent from softness

٦. هُم السَدى وَالنَدى ما في قَناتِهِمُ
إِذا تَعَوَّجَتِ العيدانِ من أَوَدِ

7. Well-mannered, passionate, their mothers
When attributed to the flowing cool lightning

٧. مُهَذَّبونَ هِجانٌ أُمَّهاتُهُمُ
إِذا نُسِبن زلال البارِقِ البَرِدِ

8. Among Al-Fatima, what then is there from generosity
To Al-Awatik, glory other than that which is flawless

٨. بَينَ الفَواطِمَ ماذا ثَمَّ مِن كَرَمٍ
إِلى العَواتِكِ مَجدٌ غَيرُ مُنتقدِ

9. Glory does not end except in the sons of Hasan
And they have no home besides it with connected land

٩. ما يَنتَهي المَجدُ إِلّا في بَني حَسَنٍ
وَما لَهُم دونَهُ مِن دارِ مُلتَحدِ