1. I shook off its slumber and led it astray
With people prone to blame and sinfulness.
١. وَنَفضتُ عَنّي نَومَها فَسَرَيتُها
بِالقَومِ مِن تَهِمٍ وَأَلعَثَ وَانِ
2. Then I leaned on the son of Layla though he hides
Far from me in distant lands.
٢. ثُمَّ اِعتَمَدتُ إِلى اِبنِ لَيلى تَختَوي
مِن دونِهِ مُتَباعدَ البُلدانِ
3. And I praised him for his noble deeds; my praises
Moved him, and he loved me in his absence.
٣. وَمُمَدَّحٍ بِالمُكرماتِ مَدَحتُهُ
فَاِهتَزَّ وَاِستَودى بِهِ فَحَباني