
To whom does the shoulder of her litter belong, though her mound is perfect and the rest of her has changed, and her newness has been erased?

لمن دمنة بالنعف عاف صعيدها

1. To whom does the shoulder of her litter belong, though her mound is perfect and the rest of her has changed, and her newness has been erased?
To Saadah, in the year of defeat, when we were left defenseless, and when its opposition did not deter us,

١. لِمن دِمنَةٌ بِالنَعفِ عافٍ صَعيدُها
تَغيَّرَ باقيها وَمحَّ جَديدُها

2. And when she was reckless with herself out of frivolity, yet prudish regarding her youth,
She hunts the minds of men with her gowns, yet her nature is too wild to be hunted.

٢. لِسَعدَةِ مِن عامِ الهَزيمَةِ إِذ بِنا
تَصافٍ وَإِذ لَمّا يَرُعنا صدودُها

3. Like the striking lightning when it flashes among the rain clouds and its brightness whitens its cheek,
Like a young camel that pretends to be asleep in the desert sands or hay that has not been raked.

٣. وَإِذ هي أَمّا نَفسُها فَأَرِيبَةٌ
لِلهوٍ وَأَمّا عَن صِبا فَتذودُها

4. By the life of Al-Nada, Amr son of Al Makdam's family, and Amr the gallant youth of Uthman, a leader among them,
A young man between Masrouj and Al Makdam's family, very wise in difficult matters, steadfast among them,

٤. تَصَيَّدُ أَلبابَ الرِجالِ بدلّها
وَشيمَتُها وَحشِيَّةٌ لا نَصيدُها

5. Forbearing when ignorance goes beyond decent behavior in his command, protecting proper conduct among them,
He continues in the actions of those who preceded him, from his fathers, harvesting glory and benefitting them,

٥. كَباسِقَةِ الوَسمِيّ ساعَةَ أَسبَلَت
تَلَألَأَ فيها البَرقُ وَاِبيضَّ جيدُها

6. So I have mingled with many a boon companion and night visitor, composing poetry in their midst,
And relieved the anguish of many a distressed one, who remained in the clutches of grief and its snare.

٦. كَبِكرٍ تُرائي فَرقَدَين بِقَفرةٍ
مِن الرَملِ أَو فَيحانَ لَم يَعسُ عودُها

٧. لعمرو النَدى عمرو بن آل مكدّم
وَعمرٌو فَتى عُثمانَ طُرّاً وَسيدُها

٨. فَتىً بَينَ مَسروجٍ وَآلِ مُكدَّمٍ
كَثيرُ عَليّاتِ الأَمورِ جَليدُها

٩. حَليمٌ إِذا ما الجَهلُ أَفرطَ ذا النُهى
عَلى أَمرِهِ حامي الحصاةِ سَديدُها

١٠. وَما زالَ يَنحو فِعلَ مَن كانَ قَبلَهُ
مِن آبائِهِ يَجني العُلا وَيُفيدُها

١١. فَكَم مِن خَليلٍ قَد وَصَلتُ وَطارِقٍ
وَقَرَّبتُ مِن أَدماء وارٍ قَصيدها

١٢. وَذي كُربَةٍ فَرَّجتُ كُربَةَ همِّه
وَقد ظَلَّ مُستَدّاً عَلَيهِ وَصيدُها