1. Leave her be, father, and sit with the sheep
For soon a boy like a colt will suffice you,
١. دعها أبا وجزةَ واقعُد في الغنَم
فسوف يكفيك غُلامٌ كالزلم
2. Bare-armed, swaggering with sturdy stride,
In his nape a morsel of food,
٢. مشمّر يرفَل في نَقلٍ حذَم
وفي قَفَاهُ لقمةٌ مِنَ اللُقَم
3. Whose thousands have turned him from blame
Until he ends in the nape of a ruddy dark-haired one.
٣. قد ولّهت ألافُها غير لَمَم
حتى تناهَت في قَفا جعدٍ أحَم