1. O rider of the wild camel, tamer of the banner,
May God grant you well-being, bring you close and have mercy,
١. يا راكِبَ العَنسِ كَمِرداةِ العَلَم
أَصلَحَكَ اللَهُ وَأَدنى وَرَحِم
2. If you convey my words and deliver my message,
From Ubayd bin Yazid, if only he knew,
٢. إِن أَنتَ أَبلَغتَ وَأَدَّيتَ الكَلِم
عَنّي عُبَيدَ بنَ يَزيدَ لَو عَلِم
3. The people already know that he will take revenge,
On you, and on the mother who bore you and raised you,
٣. قَد عَلِم الأَقوامُ أَن سَيَنتَقِم
مِنكَ وَمِن أُم تَلَقَّتكَ وَعَمّ
4. There is a Lord who will punish evil deeds and injustice,
I warn you of the ferocity of a roaring lion,
٤. رَبٌّ يُجازي السَيِّئاتِ مِن ظَلَم
أَنذرتكَ الشِدَّةِ مِن لَيثٍ أَضِم
5. Abu Shiblyn of Ad, meat of Farfar,
So return to your mother, let her spread out your bed and sleep,
٥. عادٍ أَبي شبلَينِ فَرفارٍ لَحِم
فَاِرجِع إِلى أُمِّكَ تُفرشكَ وَنَم
6. To an old woman, her head like a grape,
And eat, for God provides food.
٦. إِلى عَجوزٍ رَأسُها مِثلُ الإِرَم
وَاِطعَم فَإِنَّ اللَهَ رَزّاقُ الطُعَم