
We found the pure white one from Quraysh

وجدنا المحض الابيض من قريش

1. We found the pure white one from Quraysh
A young man between the Caliph and the Messenger

١. وَجَدنا المَحضَ الاِبيضَ مِن قُرَيشٍ
فَتىً بَينَ الخَليفَةِ وَالرَسولِ

2. Glory came to you from here and there
And you were to it like raging floods

٢. أَتاكَ المَجدُ مِن هَنّا وَهَنّا
وَكُنتَ لَهُ بِمُعتَلجِ السُيولِ

3. Glory has no dwelling but you
Glory has no resting place but you

٣. فَما لِلمَجدِ دونَكَ مِن مَبيتٍ
وَما لِلمَجدِ دونَكَ مِن مَقيلِ

4. May he who turns truth away from him ransom you
And he who satisfies his brother with little ransom you

٤. فَدى لَكَ مَن يَصُدُّ الحَقُّ عَنهُ
وَمَن يُرضي أَخاهُ بِالقَليلِ

5. If it were not for you, my mounts would not be saddled
Adorned, nor my departure praised

٥. فَلَولا أَنتَ ما رَحَلت رِكابي
مُؤَثَّلَةً وَلا حَمِدَت رَحيلي