
O home of Asma, I have become emaciated from yearning

يا دار أسماء قد أقوت بأنشاج

1. O home of Asma, I have become emaciated from yearning
Like a tattoo or the distressed imam raising his voice

١. يا دارَ أَسماءَ قَد أَقوت بِأَنشاجِ
كَالوَشمِ أَو كَإِمامِ الكاتِبِ الهاجي

2. While every bleating goat from it is unblemished
And every young gazelle is slender and delicate

٢. فَكَلُّ أَمعَزَ مِنها غَير ذي وَحَجٍ
وَكلّ دارة هَجلٍ ذاتِ أَوحاجِ

3. Every morning breeze has ruined it
And every raging wind scattering the dust is a weaver

٣. أَودى بِها كُلُّ رَجّافِ الضّحى هَزِمٍ
وَعاصِفٍ لِنُخالِ التُربِ نَسّاجِ

4. Nothing of it remains visible
Except its landmarks, like ink on pages unerased

٤. فَما يَبينُ بِها إِلّا مَعارِفُها
كَالحبرِ في زُبُرٍ لَيسَت بِأَمحاجِ

5. By it Asma's name has been preserved
While time plays tricks and makes loud noises

٥. وَقَد تُلاقي بِها أَسماءُ مسقَبةً
وَالدَهرُ في جِدَّة مِنهُ وَإبهاجِ

6. My love for it has clung without end between us
With no need for incense or perfumes

٦. إِنّي عَناني وُدادٌ بَينَنا نَشِب
بِلا قَضاءِ لُباناتِ وَلا حاجِ

7. Asma's days are delicate, smooth
Like the climb up a hill on a soft carpet

٧. أَيّامَ أَسماءُ رُعبوبٌ خَدلّجةٌ
كَصعدة الغابِ في نَجلٍ وَإِدراجِ

8. Filled with fragrant herbs, it pleases the eye
Like the sun in its orb radiating light

٨. مِن السِمانِ الخِماصِ الغيدِ مالِئة
لِلعَينِ في طُرَّةٍ كَالشَمسِ مِنهاجِ

9. It is a drink of pure water
In a pot on coals of blazing heat

٩. وَشربةٍ مِن شَرابٍ غَيرِ ذي نَفَسٍ
في صرةٍ مِن نجومِ القيظِ وَهّاجِ

10. I gave it to drink once and it pleased my hearing
I thought none of my friends could be so pleasing

١٠. سَقَيتُها صادِياً تَهوي مَسامِعُهُ
قَد ظَنَّ أَن لَيسَ مِن أَصحابِهِ ناجِ

11. For in it is the vigor of youth and beauty in a river
Of sweet life, gurgling as it flows

١١. إِذ الشَبابُ بِها وَالحُسنُ في نَهَرٍ
مِنَ المَعيشَةِ حُلو الطَعم ثَجّاجِ

12. It has gathered clouds until, when it is pleased with them
They lengthen upon it without end

١٢. تَقاوَدَت غَمَماً حَتّى إِذا رَضيَت
طالَت عَلَيهِنَّ طولاً غيرَ مجماجِ

13. It blinds the guide even in the darkness of its valleys
And the thickening sap cloaks the banana leaves

١٣. تَعمى المَداري في جَون غَدائِره
وَحفُ النَباتِ لدُهنِ البانِ مجّاجِ

14. While the eye and the forehead of a gazelle I loaned them
Asma, a meadow of thousands of shadows

١٤. وَالعَينُ وَالجيدُ مِن ظَبي أَعارَهُما
أَسماءَ رِئمٌ أَلوف الظلِّ مِخراجِ

15. It bursts forth from bright dawns
Becoming a plain of low hills and fertile ground

١٥. تَفتَرُّ عَن أُقحُوانٍ صُبحَ سارِيَةٍ
أَضحى بِرابِيَةٍ فَيحاءَ مِئراجِ

16. Its spittle after dryness seems like
Grape juice mixed with snow

١٦. كَأَنَّ ريقَتَها بَعد الكَرى اِغتَبَقَت
ماءَ العَناقيدِ مَمزوجاً بِأَثلاجِ

17. That, O Asma, is your untouched side
Sheltered from the lowly with locks and barriers

١٧. أَسماءُ ذلِكَ ما أَسماءُ جانِبُها
عَن الدَنِيِّ بِأَغلاقٍ وَأَشراجِ

18. It hides behind the veil as a dear one hides
Behind garments, dignified, wearing a crown

١٨. تَنفي اللِثامَ عَلى ما في اللِثام كَما
يَنفي الزُيوفَ عَزيزٌ عاقِدُ التاجِ

19. I gave it to drink until its pastures flourished
Woe to its mother sheep of heavy wool and need

١٩. سَقياً لِأَسماءَ وَاِخضَرَّت مَراتِعُها
وَيل اِمّها غُنمُ ذي وَفر وَمُحتاجِ

20. We are not suited for any of its sap
Which time diminishes even after ripening

٢٠. عَلى نَوى مِن نَواها لا يُلائِمُنا
وَالنَوءُ يُخلفُ مِنها بَعد إِبلاجِ

21. My two friends, see if you can cheer us
Among carnelian stones and tent pegs

٢١. يا صاحِبَيَّ اِنظُرا هَل تُؤنِسان لَنا
بَين العَقيقِ وَأَوطاسٍ مِنَ اِحداجِ

22. Will you come from the darkness of depression
Or sorrows upon steeds like citadels

٢٢. غَدَونَ مِن حُجبِ الجَونَين أَو حُقبٍ
عَلى عَناجيج أَمثالٍ كَالابراجِ

23. Asma appeared but did not fulfill her promise
Nor grant you promised meetings

٢٣. أَسماءُ بانَت وَلَم تُنجِز مَواعِدَها
وَلم تُنِلكَ مَواعيداً مِنَ اِعناجِ

24. So ask the causes of longing from her affection
With cloves, like pepper and carded wool

٢٤. فَسَلِّ أَسبابَ شَوقٍ مِن مَوَدَّتها
بِباقِلِ النابِ كَالقرقورِ وَسّاجِ

25. A curled lock, smooth-cheeked, well-arranged
Concealing her cheek, not displayed

٢٥. جَمُّ المَقَذِّ أَسيل الخَطم متَّسقٌ
مُحتَجِبٌ جانِباهُ غَيرُ مِدراجِ

26. Graceful, the whinny almost causing her to bolt
Prepared for the consultation of the astute advisor

٢٦. لاعٍ يَكادُ خَفيضُ النَقرِ يُفرِطُهُ
مُستَربعٍ لِسُرى الموماةِ هَيّاجِ

27. She turns away the cheek, and its affection
Has not touched her, bound with necklaces and cords

٢٧. يُرضيكَ عَفواً فَإِن رَفَّعتَ هزَّته
رفَّعتَ مِن رِبَذِ التَبغيلِ هِملاجِ

28. One day the red planet aligned its troops
But there was no relief in its advancing columns

٢٨. عَلى مَراديَ سَمحاتٍ أَنِفنَ بِهِ
وَجُؤجُؤٍ مائِرِ الضَبعَينِ مَوّاجِ

29. And she remembered a group of her inner circle
Bringing registered books and armor

٢٩. مُقارِبٌ حينَ يَحزَوزي عَلى جَدَدٍ
رسلٍ بِمُعتَلِجاتِ الرَملِ غَوّاجِ

30. Of the inner circle, she had taken prisoner those in retreat
Fleeing, monkey-like, filthy and impure

٣٠. يولي الشَليل وَما مَسَّت وَليّتهُ
مُوثَّقاً ذا كَراديسٍ وَأَثباجِ

31. So she seized the white camel, preventing
What it contained, excited and stirred up

٣١. كَأَنَّما الرَحلُ مِنهُ فَوق مُبتَقِلٍ
مُكدِّحٍ علجانَ اللَيلِ مَعّاجِ

32. Her nature had inclined toward it, and it was locked
Upon sweetness the color of darkened glass

٣٢. يُصَدِّعُ العُونَ أَندابُ العُلوجِ بِهِ
قَضى الرَبيع بِتعداءٍ وَتَشحاجِ

33. It was as if her voice and the echo with it
Were the call of an exile yearning for his home

٣٣. شَدَّت مُنازَلَةُ الأَقرانِ مِرَّتَهُ
وَحَوز ما حازَ من فَذّ وَأَفواجِ

34. The paths of meteors, and all the news meets there
While the night spreads its corridors, lighting up

٣٤. فَاِقوَرَّ لاحِقُهُ قبّاً أَياطِلُهُ
خاظي الخَصائِلِ نَهدٌ غَيرُ مجماجِ

35. Until groups traveling at night pitched their tents
And the rain poured from pouring clouds

٣٥. ظَلَّ بِدَوٍّ مِنَ الرَنقاءِ يَلفَحُهُ
نَفحُ السَمومِ وَإلفَيهِ بِأَلفاجِ

36. They were brought together by a shaking, steady rain
Especially the steed, its distinguishing mark clear

٣٦. يَعصِبنَ أَلمى قَضيفاً مِن تَناصُبِها
في يَومِ نَجمٍ مِنَ الجَوزاءِ وَهّاجِ

37. As if it and they together do not waver
With unfocused turning this way and that

٣٧. حَتّى إِذا حَلَّ شَرقِيٌّ عَساكِرَهُ
ما في قَوادِمِ سِقطَيه مِن اِفراجِ

38. O reddish she-camel marked in red on its forehead
As if you were adorned with brocade

٣٨. وَقَد تَذَكَّرَ عِدّاً مِن أَباطِنِهِ
مُستَورِداً ذا عَلاجيمٍ وَدَرّاجِ

39. She appeared cautious, apprehensive
Until morning, never settling down

٣٩. مِنَ الأَباطنِ أَسراهُ ذَوي هِزَمٍ
مَجَلجلٍ قَرِدِ الأَسناءِ نَشّاحِ

40. Then she persisted and her companion by day
Climbing with her like the desire of an ascetic

٤٠. فَاِحتازَ بَيضاءَ مِثلَ السَحل مانِعَةً
ما تَحتَويهِ قَدِ اِعتَلَّت بِإِرتاجِ

41. Yearning for his pasture from a lone, elegant gazelle
Whose tracks meander, confused and distraught

٤١. قَد شَفَّها خُلُقٌ مِنهٌ وَقَد قَفِلت
عَلى مِلاحٍ كَلَونِ المِشق أَمشاجِ

42. Or one fearing for his flesh, his claws doubtful
As if a destroyer of the tribes of camels

٤٢. كَأَنَّ صَوتَ حُداها وَالقَرينُ بِهِ
تَرجيعُ مُغتَرِبٍ نَشوانَ لَجلاجِ

43. They never stopped attributing weakness to every sincere woman
Who spent her night embracing something other than a husband

٤٣. نَعبُ الأَشاهيبِ فَالأَخبارُ مَجمَعُها
وَاللَيلُ ساقِطَهٌ أَرواقُهُ داجِ

44. Until they walked the path from them in musk
From the offspring of the she-camel roaming the horizons

٤٤. حَتّى إِذا ما إِيالاتٌ جَرَت بُرحاً
وَقَد رَبَعنَ الشوى مِن ماطِر ماجِ

45. From them a group was created for slaughter
Severed from it with knives

٤٥. صَلاهُما هَزِجٌ هِزٌّ خَصائِلُهُ
سيما الجَوادِ عَلَيهِ الخانِف الناجي

46. They strapped it in the canal of a hollow valley
On the side of a crooked enclosure, wailing altogether

٤٦. كَأَنَّهُ وهُما لا يَثنيانِ لَهُ
أَعطافَ مُنكَفَتي هيجٍ وَإِمجاجِ

47. As they wail at one with a screaming voice, terrified
By the horror of hell, eternal, with no comfort

٤٧. يامومُ صَحماء مُحمرّ مخدَّمُها
كَأَنَّما عُطِفتَ خَزّاً بِديباجِ

48. The Arabian knot was tightened, with no problems
Approaching the female ostrich in bearing burdens

٤٨. بانَت بِمَنزِلَةٍ هَولٍ عَلى حَذَرٍ
حَتّى الصَباحِ وَما هَمَّت بِإِدلاجِ

49. Until when they finished the moan and their eyes retreated
To staring blankly like a palm leaf

٤٩. ثُمَّ اِغتَدَت وَغَدا نِزُّ مُلازِمها
إِصعادُهُ كَهَواهُ راهِبٌ راجي

50. The gazelle glanced around, frightened
By the horror of hell, punishing, with no soothing

٥٠. يَرجو مَراتِعَهُ مِن عازِبٍ أَنِقٍ
آثارَ مُرتَجزٍ حَيرانَ لَجلاجِ

51. A destined place where the fingertips mixed the water
On a leather bag from which the water flows noisy

٥١. أَو خائِفٌ لَحِماً شاكاً بَراثِنهُ
كَأَنَّهُ قاطِمٌ وَقفَينِ مِن عاجِ

52. So death came suddenly and took her away
Intending her life, with no prevention

٥٢. ما زِلنَ يَنسُبنَ وَهناً كُلَّ صادِقَةٍ
باتَت تُباشِرُ عُرماً غَيرَ أَزواجِ

53. Shrunken were the limbs that escorted her remains
A fox of the stony valley, a devil's companion

٥٣. حَتّى سَلَكنَ الشوى مِنهُنَّ في مَسكٍ
مِن نَسل جَوّابَةِ الآفاقِ مِهداجِ

54. As if he and the devils of the shelter with him
Were dice players casting lots

٥٤. يَنحازُ منهنَّ فيهِ أُمَّةٌ خُلِقَت
حُذّاً مُذَبَّحةٌ مِنها بِأَوداجِ

55. Will you be pleased if I raise its value?
For if you raise the value of the tobacco shreds, you will raise

٥٥. يَجزمنَهُ في قَنا جوفٍ عَلى أَفَدٍ
ثَنيٍ جَميعٍ نِهاجٍ غَيرِ أَفلاجِ

56. What I desire, of easy character, distinguished by it
And a tame doe-gazelle, white-faced, accustomed

٥٦. وَهُنَّ بِالعَينِ مِن ذي صارِخٍ لَجبٍ
هَولٍ وَنَوّاحةٍ بِالمَوتِ مِرجاجِ

57. When it rivals me over fresh news
Fine messages in the undulating sands

٥٧. شَدَّت مطا عَرَبِيّ غَيرِ ذي عُقَدٍ
مُقارِبٍ كَنَسا اليَعفورِ حِملاجِ

58. It turns away the cheek, and its affections
Have not touched, bound securely with straps

٥٨. حَتّى إِذا ما قَضَينَ النَحبَ وَاِنصَرَفَت
أَبصارُهُنَّ عَلى طَخياءَ كَالساجِ

59. As if the saddlebags on it are above the carrier
Laboring, stirring the inhabitants of the night

٥٩. شاكَت رُغامَى قَذُوفِ الطَرف خائِفَة
هَول الجِنان نَزورٍ غَيرِ مِخداجِ

60. It splits open the springs, the toes of the deer with it
Springtime has passed with transgression and dispute

٦٠. حَرّى مُوقَّعةٌ ماجَ البنانُ بِها
عَلى خِضَمٍّ يُسَقّى الماءَ عَجّاجِ

61. The rivalry of contemporaries embittered it
And it won what prominence and armies it won

٦١. فَاِغتالَها الأَجَلُ الآتي فَأَسلَمَها
ناوي الحَياةِ عَلَيها غَير منعاجِ

62. So its pursuer followed behind, its periods of leisure
Embracing, with distinguishing traits not commingled

٦٢. مُقَلَّصٌ رَبِذُ الأَوصالِ شَيَّعَهُ
يَعبوبُ حائِلِ جَولٍ شَركِ أَعلاجِ

63. It remained under a cover of elegance inhaling
The scent of poisons and venom in wrappings

٦٣. كَأَنَّهُ وَشَياطينُ المِراحِ بِهِ
قِدحٌ بِكَفّي مُلَقّى الفَوزِ فَلّاجِ