
When you sit between the rising sun and the meadows,

إذا تربعت ما بين الشريق فذا

1. When you sit between the rising sun and the meadows,
The pastures, the drinking places, and the tent ropes,

١. إِذا تَرَبَّعتَ ما بَينَ الشُرَيقِ فَذا
رَوض الفَلاجِ وَذات السَرح وَالعُبَبِ

2. And the air becomes mild through the bending branches,
They have no confrontation or pursuit.

٢. وَاِحتَلَّتِ الجَوّ فالأَجزاعَ مِن مَرَخٍ
فَما لَها مِن مُلاحاةٍ وَلا طَلَبِ