1. Tell Abu Hamza, come, come,
We have brought you the fine Arabian horse,
١. قُل لِأَبي حَمزَةَ هيدِ هيدِ
جِئناكَ بِالعادِيَة الصِنديدِ
2. The heroic knight, father of Al-Walid,
The prized horseman of Qais, famed throughout Najd,
٢. بِالبَطَلِ القَرم أَبي الوَليدِ
فارِس قَيسٍ نَجدِها المَعدودِ
3. Among the steeds of Qais and hunting with arrows,
Like a sword unsheathed from its scabbard,
٣. في خيلِ قَيسٍ وَالكماةِ الصّيدِ
كَالسَيفِ قَد سُلَّ مِنَ الغُمودِ
4. Pure and courageous, glorified ancestor,
Among the branches of Qais and in the family tree,
٤. محضٍ هِجانٍ ماجِدِ الجُدودِ
في الفَرع مِن قَيسٍ وَفي العَمودِ
5. A sacrifice for Abd al-Malik the Praiseworthy,
I have none like you among the noble clans,
٥. فدىً لعَبدِ الملكِ الحَميدِ
ما لي من الطّارِفِ وَالتَليدِ
6. The day the horses call out in the plain,
As if they are in the clanging of iron,
٦. يَومَ تُنادي الخَيلُ بِالصَعيدِ
كَأَنَّهُ في جَنَن الحَديدِ
7. A master who has humbled all other masters.
٧. سيدٌ مُدِلّ بَذَّ كلَّ سيدِ