1. If you could see me and my brother Orion
Driving away the assemblies of maidens
١. وَلَو تَراني وَأَخي عُطارِدا
نَذودُ مِن حَنيفَةِ المَذاوِدا
2. Driving swiftly from them, only to return
Like a wild beast tracking water-holes
٢. نَذودُ مِنها سِرعانا وارِدا
مِثلَ الدُبى تَتَّبِعُ المَوارِدا
3. Oh, a hero who drinks a cooling draft!
I beg with hands cut off at the wrist:
٣. أَلا فَتى يُسقى شَراباً بارِدا
أَنشُدُ كَفّاً قُطِعَت وَساعِدا
4. I beg though I do not see myself obtaining
Inform--defiant as he is-- Abul-Latif
٤. أَنشُدُها وَلا أَراني واجِداً
أَبلِغ أَبا لَطيفَةِ المُعانِدا
5. Who feeds the six, prolonging by one day.
٥. المُطعِمَ السِتَّةَ مُدّاً واحِدا