
Has not Layla passed by and the memory of her saddened me?

ألا طرقت ليلى فأحزن ذكرها

1. Has not Layla passed by and the memory of her saddened me?
And how often has the phantom of Layla passed by and saddened us!

١. أَلا طَرَقَت لَيلى فَأَحزَنَ ذِكرُها
وَكَم قَد طَرانا طَيفُ لَيلى فَأَحزَنا

2. And whoever is with her has few tears
That the onlooker likens to a saddled steed

٢. وَمَن دونَها مِن قِلَّةِ العَبرِ مُخرَمٌ
يُشَبِّهُهُ الرائي حِصاناً مُوَطَّنا

3. Stopping above the camels thinking it
Laden merchandise or a shrouded corpse

٣. وَمُعتَرَضٌ فَوقَ القُتودِ تَخالَهُ
مَتاعاً مُعَلّى أَو قَتيلاً مُكَفَّنا

4. I forgot other matters for your sake after
The night approached and darkness thickened and settled on us

٤. جَلَوتُ الكَرى عَنهُ بِذِكرِكِ بَعدَما
دَنا اللَيلُ وَاِلتَجَّ الظَلامُ فَأَغدَنا

5. Lo, if only I complain to Layla, she may
Relent from the sufferings of passion that afflicted us

٥. أَلا عَلَّ لَيلى إِن تَشَكَّيتُ عِندَها
تَباريحَ لَوعاتِ الهَوى أَن تَلَيَّنا

6. Though she broke her vow to me and was wary
Of the eyes of enemies and the slanderous boy

٦. عَلى أَنَّها خاسَت بِعَهدي وَحاذَرَت
عُيونَ الأَعادي وَالصَبيَّ المُلَحَّنا

7. I blame the one I love and desire my female companions
To see her superiority over them is clear

٧. أَعيبُ الَّتي أَهوى وَأُطري جَوارِياً
يَرَينَ لَها فَضلاً عَلَيهُنَّ بَيِّنا

8. Despite myself I refrain from her if she appears
I am wary of ears against us and eyes

٨. بِرَغمي أُطيلُ الصَدَ عَنها إِذا بَدَت
أُحاذِرُ أَسماعاً عَلَينا وَأَعيُنا

9. For she was angry when I said since I had no need
Of her, and she said he did not mean to love us

٩. فَقَد غَضِبَت أَن قُلتُ إِذ لَيسَ حاجَتي
إِلَيها وَقالَت لَم يُرِد أَن يُحِبَّنا

10. Was I ever intentionally despairing of love
Secretly, but when longing drove me I declared it

١٠. وَهَل كُنتُ إِلّا مُعمَداً قانِطَ الهَوى
أَسَرَّ فَلَمّا قادَهُ الشَوقُ أَعلَنا

11. Her love came to me before I knew love
And so it settled in an empty heart

١١. أَتاني هَواها قَبلَ أَن أَعرِفَ الهَوى
فَصادَفَ قَلباً خالِياً فَتَمَكَّنا