1. With tears flowing, my eyes were occupied with grief
And memories of past love returned to haunt me
١. جَرى واكِفُ العَينَينِ بِالديمَةِ السَكبِ
وَراجَعَني مِن ذِكرِ ما قَد مَضى حُبّي
2. Passion revealed what malice I used to hide
And my heart wavered, recalling the days of youth
٢. وَأَبدى الهَوى ما كُنتُ أُخفي مِنَ العِدى
وَحَنَّ لِتَذكارِ الصِبا مَرَّةً قَلبي
3. When will the healer be sent? For people have become
Eyes for the outskirts of the city and the hills
٣. مَتى يُرسَلُ المُشفى إِنِ الناسُ تَحَلَّوا
عُيوناً لِأَكنافِ المَدينَةِ فَالهَضبِ
4. I will die thirsty or lean until
A helper quenches me with news or nearness of them
٤. أَمُت كَمَداً أَو أَضنُ حَتّى يُغيثَني
مُغيثٌ بِسَيبٍ مِن نَداهُنَّ أَو قُربِ
5. I pine, like a camel moaning for them, but
Hearts cannot attain what they crave to drink
٥. حَنا الحائِمُ الصادي إِلَيها وَخُلِّيَت
قُلوبٌ فَما يَقدِرنَ مِنها عَلى شُربِ
6. Passion has become an ailment plaguing us
As they made us ill through no fault or sin
٦. جَعَلنَ الهَوى داءً عَلَينا وَمالُنا
إِلَيهُنَّ إِذ أَورَدنَنا الداءَ مِن ذَنبِ
7. The glory of youth flowed over them as they enjoyed
The bliss of nights and prosperity from fertility
٧. جَرى فَوقَها زَهوُ الشَبابِ وَباشَرَت
نَعيمَ اللَيالي وَالرَخاءُ مِنَ الخَصبِ
8. Beauties who do not yearn for the embrace of an admirer
Or disdain the sweet glance of a gentle gazelle
٨. نَواعِمُ لا يَرغَبنَ في وَصلِ بَلدَمٍ
هِدانٍ وَلا يَزهَدنَ في الطَرَفِ العَذبِ