1. I say, and I'm certain that I'm facing
From hostility doors with strong locks
١. أَقولُ وَقَد أَيقَنتُ أَنّي مُواجِهٌ
مِنَ الصَرمِ باباتٍ شَديداً كِتالُها
2. When we come, they don't pretend with any adornment
Beware of enemies, their beauty is gone
٢. إِذا نَحنُ جِئنا لَم تُجَمَّل بِزينَةٍ
حَذارَ الأَعادي وَهيَ بادٍ جَمالُها
3. We don't greet them with peace, we don't say
To them out of fear of their evil, how are they
٣. وَلا نَبتَديها بِالسَلامِ وَلَم نَقُل
لَهُم مِن تَوَقّى شَرَّهُم كَيفَ حالُها