1. If you had seen the young one, O son of Bazil,
With the boughs of the soft willow when its twisting branches return me
١. لَوَ أَنَّكَ شاهَدتَ الصَبا يا اِبنَ بَوزَلٍ
بِفَرعِ الغَضا إِذ راجَعَتني غَياطِلُه
2. Below the salty hillock when the religion of the lovesick one
Is fulfilled, and the best of union is in its beginnings
٢. بِأَسفَلَ خَلِّ المِلحِ إِذ دينُ ذي الهَوى
مُؤَدّى وَإِذ خَيرُ الوِصالِ أَوائِلُه
3. You would have seen a day after much pining
And after praising the house sweetly its qualities
٣. لَشاهَدتَ يَوماً بَعدَ شُحطٍ مِنَ النَوى
وَبَعدَ ثَنائي الدارَ حُلواً شَمائِلُه
4. And a day like the thumb of a fortuneteller decorated
For my eyes, overpowering its omens
٤. وَيَوماً كَإِبهامِ القَطاةِ مُزَيَّناً
لَعَيني ضَحاهُ غالِباً لِيَ باطِلُه
5. By my soul, he whose cool fingertips
Would have passed over my liver, their touching would have cured me
٥. بِنَفسِيَ مَن لَو مَرَّ بَردُ بَنانِهِ
عَلى كَبِدي كانَت شِفاءً أَنامِلُه
6. And he who I obeyed in everything and gave him
But he neither gives me nor do I ask of him
٦. وَمَن هابَني في كُلِّ شَيءٍ وَهِبتُهُ
فَلا هُوَ يُعطيني وَلا أَنا سائِلُه
7. When he sees me coming he casts down his eyelids
As though the sun's rays face him and vie with him
٧. إِذا ما رَآني مُقبِلاً غَضَّ طَرفَهُ
كَأَنَّ شُعاعَ الشَمسِ دوني تُقابِلُه
8. Oh, how excellent your eyes are, O mother of Shanbal,
When the kohl in her eyelids flows, pouring
٨. أَلا حَبَّذا عَيناكِ يا أُمَّ شَنبَلٍ
إِذا الكُحلُ في جَفنَيهِما جالَ جائِلُه
9. May you be ransomed from the smooth-cheeked ones, every blended one
Who meets the lowest of those seeking him
٩. فَداكِ مِنَ الخِلّانِ كُلُّ مُمَزَّجٍ
تَكونُ لِأَدنى مَن يُلاقي وَسائِلُه
10. So we met with Umm Shanbal happily by day
And she made us cry at night with her fires
١٠. فَرُحنا تَلَقّانا بِهِ أُمُّ شَنبَلٍ
ضُحَيّا وَأَبكَتنا عَشِيّاً أَصائِلُه
11. And I was as though when her words were
Farewell, and the keeper of the pact bore it
١١. وَكُنتُ كَأَنّي حينَ كانَ كَلامُها
وَداعاً وَخِلّى موثِقُ العَهدِ حامِلُه
12. A hostage with my soul, its fetters were not loosed
From the leg until the sword of the killer stripped him
١٢. رَهينٌ بِنَفسي لَم تُفَكُّ كُبولُهُ
عَنِ الساقِ حَتّى جَرَّدَ السَيفَ قاتِلُه
13. So he said “Let me prostrate twice,” and his innards
Shook with fear of harm, and his joints
١٣. فَقالَ دَعوني سَجدَتَينِ وَأَرعَدَت
حَذارَ الرَدى أَحشاؤُهُ وَمَفاصِلُه