1. With my soul I must emigrate from one I cannot avoid
Yet I recall him in hardship and ease
١. بِنَفسِيَ مَن لا بُدَّ أَنِّيَ هاجِرُه
وَمَن أَنا بِالمَيسورِ وَالعُسرِ ذاكِرُه
2. And he whom people cast at me, so beware of them
With my hatred but what their consciences conceal
٢. وَمَن قَد رَماهُ الناسُ بي فَاِتَّقاهُمُ
بِبَغضِيَ إِلّا ما تَجِنُّ ضَمائِرُه
3. With my soul I won't tell people his name
Even if his clans bore malice towards me
٣. بِنَفسِيَ مَن لا أُخبِرُ الناسَ بِاِسمِهِ
وَإِن حَمَلَت حِقداً عَلَيَّ عَشائِرُه
4. With my family and wealth I brought harm upon one
Whose mention to me is intimate though I converse with him
٤. بِأَهلي وَمالي مَن جَلَبتُ لَهُ الأَذى
وَمَن ذِكرُهُ مِنّي قَريبٌ أُسامِرُه
5. And one, if discord flowed between us
And he conversed with me I wouldn't know how to converse with him
٥. وَمَن لَو جَرَت شَحناءُ بَيني وَبَينَهُ
وَحاوَرَني لَم أَدرِ كَيفَ أُحاوِرُه
6. Does he confirm a brother of necessity whom the enemies
Clapped upon and few became his loyal friends?
٦. أَيَثبي أَخا ضَرورَةٍ أَصفَقَ العِدى
عَلَيهِ وَقَلَّت في الصَديقِ أَواسِرُه
7. And inquirer about it to know what is mine
In my heart for him other than that I am wary of him
٧. وَمُستَخبِرٍ عَنها لِيَعلَمَ ما الَّذي
لَها في فُؤادي غَيرَ أَنّي أُحاذِرُه
8. So had I known what would happen
And that the new union's ink had dried and gone
٨. فَلَو كُنتُ أَدري أَنَّ ما كانَ كائِنٌ
وَأَنَّ جَديدَ الوَصلِ قَد حُبِّرَ غابِرُه
9. I would've returned with it blindly and I wasn't
When a slanderer slandered Layla, looking at him
٩. وَرَدتُ بِهِ عَمياءَ مِنها وَلَم أَكُن
إِذا ما وَشى واشٍ بِلَيلى أُناظِرُه
10. And when love in the heart came to an end
It stayed and after us its sources were blocked
١٠. وَلَمّا تَناهى الحُبُّ في القَلبِ وارِداً
أَقامَ وَسَدَّت بَعدَ عَنّا مَصادِرُه
11. So which doctor cures love after
It cheers the viscera of the heart and its exterior?
١١. فَأَيُّ طَبيبٍ يُبرِئُ الحُبَّ بَعدَما
يُسَرُّ بِهِ بَطنُ الفُؤادِ وَظاهِرُه
12. And no harm from estrangement which from meeting
If its trees fruited for the beloved, and we conversed
١٢. وَلا بَأسَ بِالهَجرِ الَّذي عَن قِلى
إِذا شَجَرَت عِندَ الحَبيبِ شَواجِرُه
13. But like death is the estrangement of the beloved one
Beware enemies and the beloved dwells beside him
١٣. وَلَكِنَّ مِثلَ المَوتِ هِجرانُ ذي الهَوى
حَذارِ الأَعادي وَالحَبيبُ مُجاوِرُه
14. So when I saw all the guards
Looking at me and being wary of him
١٤. فَلَمّا رَأَيتُ المالِكيِّينَ كُلِّهِم
إِلَيَّ يُراعي طَرفَهُ وَيُحاذِرُه
15. I avoided the guards' comers and folded
To me the wings which I spread
١٥. تَجَنَّبتُ آتي المالِكيِّينَ وَاِنطَوى
إِلَيَّ جَناحَيَّ الَّذي أَنا ناشِرُه