1. White as a sword, a courteous companion,
I can smell his gown, it is smoky.
١. وَأَبيَضَ مِثلُ السَيفِ خادِمُ رِفقَةٍ
أَشَمُّ تَرى سِربالَهُ قَد تَقَدَّدا
2. Noble despite his anger, even if you insult him,
He will become a messenger, you won't see him enraged.
٢. كَريمٌ عَلى غُرّاتِهِ لَو تَسُبُّهُ
لَغَداكَ رَسلاً لا تَراهُ مُرَبَّدا
3. He hurries to roast meat for the people,
Turning it on the tip of his stick, cooked and crispy.
٣. يُعَجِّلُ لِلقَومِ الشِواءَ يَجُرُّهُ
بِأَقصى عَصاهُ مُنضِجاً وَمُرَمِّدا
4. Well roasted, though it was raw,
Had he stirred it, it would have crumbled.
٤. حَلوفٌ لَقَد أَنضَجتَ وَهوَ مُلَهوَجٌ
بِنِصفَينِ لَو حَرَّكتَهُ لَتَفَصَّدا
5. He responds to your call,
Believing that fate holds the best for him.
٥. يُجيبُ بِلَبَّيهِ إِذا ما دَعَوتَهُ
وَيَحسِبُ ما يَدعي لَهُ الدَهرُ أَرشَدا
6. Has Layla not come to her distant home,
Since I did not fight the day we fled?
٦. أَلا هَل أَتى لَيلى عَلى نَأيِ دارِها
بِأَن لَم أُقاتِل يَومَ صَخرٍ مُذَوِّدا
7. I who surrendered my mount and she crippled it,
When I had been a warrior, singing my poems.
٧. وَأَنِّيَ أَسلَمتُ الرِكابَ فَعَقَّرَت
وَقَد كُنتُ مِقداماً بِسَيفي مُغَرِّدا
8. I stirred but could not excel in battle,
Never again to see a brother or lonely one.
٨. أَثَرتُ فَلَم أَسطِع قِتالاً وَلا تَرى
أَخا شيعَةٍ يَوماً كَآخِرَ أَوحَدا
9. Will the singers now abandon their love for me,
When told the fateful one panicked and fled?
٩. فَهَل تَصرِمَنَّ الغانِياتُ مَوَدَّتي
إِذا قيلَ قَد هابَ المَنونَ فَعَرَّدا
10. O people of Basra, you who endured
And guarded the pact, you achieved maturity.
١٠. أَيا رِفقَةً مِن أَهلِ بَصرى تَحَمَّلَت
تَؤُمُّ الحِمى لُقّيتِ مِن رِفقَةٍ رُشدا
11. When you arrive safe, convey
The greetings of one who thought he'd not see Najd.
١١. إِذا ما بَلَغتُم سالِمينَ فَبَلِّغوا
تَحِيَّةَ مَن قَد ظَنَّ أَلّا يَرى نَجدا
12. And say we left Al-Harithi bound
By the fetters of love for you, suffering and ardency.
١٢. وَقولا تَرَكنا الحارِثِيَّ مُكَبَّلاً
بِكَبلِ الهَوى مِن حُبِّكُم مُضمِراً وَجدا
13. When the Pleiades in the sky are like
A cluster, though made of a scattered chain.
١٣. إِذا ما الثُرَيّا في السَماءِ كَأَنَّها
جُمانٌ وَهيَ مِن سَلكَةٍ فَتَبَدَّدا