
By the one whose body love has made lean

ألا بأبي من قد برى الجسم حبه

1. By the one whose body love has made lean
And whose longing for me does not cease

١. أَلا بِأَبي مَن قَد بَرى الجِسمَ حُبُّهُ
وَمِن هُوَ مَوموقٌ إِلَيَّ حَبيبُ

2. And who sees none watching him but his own self-reproaching soul
Though they speak ill of me in her presence

٢. وَمَن هُوَ لا يَزدادُ إِلّا تَشَوُّقاً
وَلَيسَ يَرى إِلّا عَلَيهِ رَقيبُ

3. And war and strife stand between us
Yet will I speak her praise, praising Layla with words

٣. وَإِنّي وَإِن أَحمَوا عَلَيَّ كَلامَها
وَحالَت أَعادٍ دونَها وَحُروبُ

4. That leave sweet tastes in the mouths of men
Beware, Layla, lest strength and patience fail me

٤. لَمُثنٍ عَلى لَيلى ثَناءً بَريدُهُ
قَوافٍ بِأَفواهِ الرِجالِ تَطيبُ

5. And separation and avoidance of you remain my fate
And be to those who slander a piercing blade

٥. أَلَيلى اِحذَري نَقضَ القِوى لا يَزَل
عَلى النَأيِ وَالهِجرانِ مِنكِ نَصيبُ

6. As I am to the slanderer a relentless foe
Yet if you fear you'll not rule love one day

٦. وَكوني عَلى الواشينَ لَدّاءَ شَغبَةً
كَما أَنا لِلواشي أَلَدُّ شَغوبُ

7. Then return my heart while the tomb is near
By my life, by my people with whom, if harmed

٧. فَإِن خِفتِ أَلّا تَحكُمي مِرَّةَ الهَوى
فَرُدّي فُؤادي وَالمَزارُ قَريبُ

8. They know not how to respond
Who have no innocent man's excuse, but are still

٨. بِنَفسي وَأَهلي مَن إِذا عَرَضوا لَهُ
بِبَعضِ الأَذى لَم يَدرِ كَيفَ يُجيبُ

9. Thunderstruck until called blameworthy

٩. وَلَم يَعتَذِر عُذرَ البَريءِ وَلَم يَزَل
بِهِ رَعدَةٌ حَتّى يُقالَ مُريبُ