
My words are necklaces

كلماتي قلائد الأعناق

1. My words are necklaces
That will remain as epochs pass away

١. كلماتِي قَلائِدُ الأَعْناقِ
سَوْفَ تَفنى الدُّهُورُ وَهْيَ بَواقِ

2. The lucid mind adorned them with delicate,
Refined meanings and insights

٢. دَلَّ فيهَا الذِّهْنُ الجَلِيُّ بِأَلْفا
ظٍ رِقاقٍ على مَعانٍ دِقاقِ

3. So my poetry is seen by critics of verse
As easy in purpose, yet hard to attain

٣. فَقَريضِي يَراهُ مَنْ يَنْقُدُ الأَشْ
عارَ سَهْلَ المَرامِ صَعْبَ المَراقي

4. The abstruse meaning did not make it unsightly
Nor a difficult expression that hurts the ears

٤. لَمْ يَشِنْهُ المَعْنى العَويصُ وَلا لَفْ
ظٌ يَكِدُّ الأَسْماعَ مُرُّ المَذاقِ

5. It has a place in the constellation of eloquence
A counterpart to the highest branches

٥. وَهْوَ في مَنْجَمِ الفَصاحَةِ مِنْ فَرْ
عَيْ نِزارٍ مُقابَلُ الأَعْراقِ

6. To it aspire the narrators, in it lies
The Hijazi form and Iraqi courtesy

٦. وَإِلَيْهِ يَصْبو الرُّواةُ وَفيهِ
مَعَ شِكْل الحِجازِ ظَرْفُ العِراقِ

7. Giving hope, giving desire, near yet far
The friend of the settled, provision for the road

٧. مُؤْيِسٌ مُطْمِعٌ قَريبٌ بَعيدٌ
فَهْوَ أُنْسُ المُقيمِ زادُ الرِّفاقِ