
Who will bring me back the days of old, days

من لي بنجد وأيام بها سلفت

1. Who will bring me back the days of old, days
Long vanished, whose trace survives in pilgrimages?

١. مَن لي بِنَجدٍ وَأَيّامٍ بِها سَلَفَتْ
ما طالَ عَهدٌ بماضيها سِوى حِجَجِ

2. Were youth but ransomed for gold, still would I ransom
My days of pleasure and play in wantonness and fun.

٢. لَو بيعَ عَصرُ شَبابٍ يَنقَضي لِفَتىً
لابتيعَ عَصرُ الصِّبا وَاللَّهوِ بِالمُهَجِ

3. To God resignation and days that gladden
With union assured, unbound by taboo or ban.

٣. لِلَّهِ ظَمياءُ وَالأَيّامُ مُسعِدَةٌ
بِالوَصلِ مِنها بِلا مَنْعٍ وَلا حَرَجِ

4. The neck shows printed lines while the tears yet run
And the face is a full moon or a branch of sanobar.

٤. القَدُّ أُملودُ بانٍ وَالنَّقا عَجُزٌ
وَالوَجهُ بَدرٌ وَذاكَ الشَّعرُ كالسَّبَجِ

5. You gaze with languid orbs, weakly winking drowsily,
My soul for ransom to languid orbs drowsy and weak!

٥. تَرنو بِطَرْفِ غَزالٍ فاتِرٍ دَعِجٍ
نَفسي الفِداءُ لِطَرفٍ فاترٍ دَعِجِ

6. Leave off, O Hudaim! Since I left her neighborhood
I have not lived a single day glad and cheerfully.

٦. دَعْ يا هُذَيمُ فَمُذ فارَقتُ جيرَتَها
ما كُنتُ مِن بَعدِها يَوماً بِمُبتَهِجِ

7. O Saad, and does this night too fail to witness
My misery before the first light of dawn?

٧. يا سَعدُ هَل لي وَهَذااللَّيلُ يَشهَدُ لي
بِما أُقاسي لَدى التَّسهيدِ مِن فَرَجِ

8. O you that blame me, cease! For love's steed
Is swifter than those who would lame him by rebukes.

٨. يا لائمي كُفَّ إِنَّ الحُبَّ أَفرَسَ مَن
يَلومُهُ عَن فَصيحاتٍ مِنَ الحُجَجِ