1. My friend, why have the nights persistently turned
Towards me with events of misfortune?
١. خَليلَيَّ ما بالُ اللَّيالي تَلَفَّتَتْ
إِلَيَّ بِأَعْناقِ الخُطوبِ الطَّوارِقِ
2. And before I turned thirty, their alternation
Replaced their darkness with the whiteness of separation.
٢. وَأَعْقَبَني قَبْلَ الثلاثِينَ صَرْفُها
بِسُودِ دَواهِيها بَياضَ المَفارِقِ
3. I do not blame fate for what has befallen me,
My manners were praised during adversities.
٣. وَلَسْتُ أَذُمُّ الدَّهْرَ فِيما يَسُومُني
وَقَدْ حُمِدَتْ في النَّائِباتِ خَلائِقِي
4. If I have not failed to match the youth in battle
With a speechless wielder of the deadly lance.
٤. لَئِنْ أَنَا لَمْ أَخْلُفْ شَبا الرُّمْحِ في الوَغَى
بِأَخْرَسَ رَعّافِ الخَياشِيمِ نَاطِقِ
5. So my right hand is not humiliated in the necks of foes,
Nor have shoulders borne what my shoulders have borne.
٥. فَلا شَامَ في هَامِ الأَعادِي مُهَنَّداً
يَميني وَلا شَمَّ الحَمائِلَ عاتِقي