1. With smooth, eloquent verses, forceful rhetoric
Of free, finely honed phrase
١. وَقَوافٍ مُلْسِ المُتونِ شِدادِ ال
أَسْرِ غُرٍّ مَصْقُولَةِ الأَطرافِ
2. Needing no license nor credentials
Since no one finds fault with them
٢. لَمْ يَشِنْها إِجازَةٌ وَسِنادٌ
وَحَلَتْ إِذْ خَلَتْ مِنَ الإصرافِ
3. And if critics examine them
They are to be reckoned pearls
٣. وإِذا ما رُواتُها انْتَقَدوها
حَسِبوها لآلِئَ الأَصْدافِ
4. I composed them on lineage and glory until
In them miracles were seen as my traits
٤. صُغْتُها في النَّسيبِ وَالفَخْرِ حَتّى
عُدَّ فيها الإعْجازُ مِنْ أَوْصافي
5. And whenever praise slips from my tongue
It is the least nobility can proffer
٥. وَمَتى زَلَّ عَنْ لِساني مَديحٌ
هُوَ أَدْنَى مُروءَةِ الأَشْرافِ
6. So I borrow the meanings
From what panegyrists have said in the past
٦. فَأَنا المُسْتَعيرُ مَعْناهُ مِمَّا
قَالَهُ المَادِحُونَ في الأَسْلافِ