1. My steed drags his negligence of presumption,
And loosens the knot of his hopeful yearning,
١. سِوايَ يَجُرُّ هَفْوَتَهُ التَّظَنِّي
وَيُرْخِي عَقْدَ حَبْوَتِهِ التَّمَنِّي
2. And dresses his neck with necklaces of bounty,
Behind which he envies the bonds of wishing,
٢. وَيُلْبِسُ جِيَدَهُ أَطْواقَ نُعْمَى
يَشِفُّ وَراءَها أَغْلالُ مَنِّ
3. When the base trouble him with oppression,
He rolls over onto his belly,
٣. إِذا ما ساَمَهُ اللؤَماءُ ضَيْماً
تَمَرَّغَ في الأذى ظَهْراً لِبَطْنِ
4. And remains a boon companion of jesters and clowns
And spends the night a captive of substitutes and maids,
٤. وَظَلَّ نَديمَ غَاطِيَةٍ وَرَوُضٍ
وَبَاتَ صَريعَ باطِيَةٍ وَدَنِّ
5. And makes his heart sense the separation of loved ones,
And deposits in his hearing the melody of the singer,
٥. وَأَشْعَرَ قَلْبَهُ فَرَقَ المنايا
وَأَوْدَعَ سَمْعَهُ نَغَمَ المُغَنِّي
6. And the clanking of the bridle is more worthy to me
With glory in its direction and guidance,
٦. وَصَلْصَلةُ اللِّجامِ لَدَيَّ أَحْرى
بِعِزٍّ في مَباءَتِهِ مُبِنِّ
7. So I am not for the horseman if I do not drive it
Restive under dark brown coverings,
٧. فَلَسْتُ لِحاصِنٍ إِنْ لَمْ أَقُدْها
عَوابِسَ تَحْتَ أَغْلِمَةٍ كَجِنِّ
8. I peel for it the gum trees in a salt flat
Whose shoots spread out the buds,
٨. أُقُرِّطُها الأعِنَّةَ في مُلاءٍ
يُنَشِّرُها مُثارُ النَّقْعِ دُكْنِ
9. And I fill with the stick of tears by force
The orbits of every docile bending one,
٩. وَأَمْلأُ مِنْ عَصِيِّ الدَّمْعِ قَسْرا
مَحاجِرَ كلِّ طَيّعَةِ التَّثَنّي
10. It saw me in my first steps exerting myself
Inflaming my embers of striking and stabbing,
١٠. رَأَتْني في أَوائِلِها مُشِيحاً
أُلَهِّبُ جَمْرَتَيْ ضَرْبٍ وَطَعْنِ
11. And I mastered the mastery of the pouncing lion,
And it shies like the shying of the wild driving one,
١١. وَأَسْطو سَطْوَةَ الأَسَدِ المُحامِي
وَتَنْفِرُ نَفْرَةَ الرَّشَأِ الأَغَنِّ
12. And around its ruins are the corpses of the slain
Who lifted up the warbling of the cooing bird,
١٢. وَحَوْلَ خِبائِها أَشْلاءُ قَتْلى
رَفَعْنَ عَقِيرَةَ الطَّيْرِ المُرِنِّ
13. And my cloak is doubled and overflowing
Upon the plenty of daring youth,
١٣. وَسِرْبالي مُضاعَفَةٌ أُفِيضَتْ
على نَزَقِ الشَّبابِ المُرْجَحِنِّ
14. As if I am wading through an estuary from it
In which the hidden flames of my eyelids flare up,
١٤. كَأَنِّي خَائِضٌ مِنْها غَدِيراً
يَشُبُّ النّارَ فيهِ خَبيءُ جَفْنِ
15. When the spear betrays and strikes a blow,
I shake for it gray hair but it does not fail me,
١٥. إِذا غَدَرَ السِّنانُ وَفَى بِضَرْبٍ
هَزَزْتُ لَهُ شَباهُ فَلَمْ يَخُنِّي
16. And the refuge of glory is from white thinness
And brownness that steals into the innermost being,
١٦. وَمَجْنَى العِزِّ مِنْ بِيضٍ رِقاقٍ
وَسُمْرٍ تَخْلِسُ المُهَجاتِ لُدْنِ
17. So why, O daughter of the Qurayshi worn out
Is your veil while your heart is happily sad?
١٧. فَما لَكِ يَا بْنَةَ القُرَشِيِّ مُلْقىً
قِناعُكِ وَالفُؤَادُ مُسِرُّ حُزْنِ
18. Leave me and the sword will avail you money
At ease is he who makes you worried in humiliation,
١٨. ذَريني وَالحُسامَ أُفِدْكِ مَالاً
فَراحَةُ مَنْ يَعولُكِ في التَّعَنِّي
19. And unlike your brother who awaits his attacker
With a faint smile and frowning seriousness,
١٩. وَغَيْرُ أَخيكَ يَرْقُبُ مُجْتَديهِ
تَبَسُّمَ بارِقٍ وَعُبوسَ دَجْنِ
20. So here I am, broader in the chest than both,
But time feels too narrow for me.
٢٠. فَها أَنَا أَوْسَعُ الثَّقَلَيْنِ صَدراً
وَلَكِنَّ الزَّمانَ يَضيقُ عَنِّي