
A night, in which darkness blindfolded the eye

وظلام قيد العين به

1. A night, in which darkness blindfolded the eye
In which the kohl-lined eye went astray

١. وَظَلامٍ قَيَّدَ العَينَ بِهِ
لَيلَةٌ ضَلَّ بِها العَينَ الكَرى

2. I held its rein and my coat of mail was over me
Under me the skittish mare strode powerfully

٢. خُضتُهُ وَالدِّرعُ فَوقي وَطَوَتْ
تَحتيَ المُهرَةُ أَجوازَ الفَلا

3. The stars glittered on their foreheads
As they moved slowly in the robes of darkness

٣. لَمعَ النَّجمُ عَلى جَبهَتِها
وَتَرَدَّتْ بِجلابيبِ الدُّجَى

4. Then she came trotting gently, her cheek sunken
Her eyes full, her stride graceful

٤. فَأَتَتْ ريماً هَضيماً كَشحُهُ
ثَمِلَ العَينَينِ مَوهونَ الخُطا

5. Her saliva almost cured me of my anguish
If not for my devotion a pleasurable illness

٥. كادَ يَشفَي بِجنَى ريقَتِهِ
غُلَّةً مَسجورَةً لَولا التُّقَى

6. The perfume mingled with it as the dew descended
At the end of night in a gentle drizzle

٦. وَوَشى العِطرُ بِهِ إِذ بَلَّهُ
آخِرَ اللَيلِ سَقيطٌ مِن نَدى

7. The trinkets broadcast a secret I kept
So we left our desire unsatisfied

٧. وَأَذاعَ الحَلْيُ سِرّاً كاتِماً
فَتَرَكنا مِن تَوَقِّهِ السُّرى

8. And she made the tribe flee until they feared her
When she embraced the wolf of wrath

٨. وَأَرابَ الحَيَّ حَتَّى هابَهُمْ
رَشا عانَقَهُ ذِئبُ الغَضى

9. I fear only four things
That lodge sorrows in the heart's crevices

٩. إِنَّ ما أَحذَرُهُ أَربَعَةٌ
تُودِعُ القَلبَ تَباريحَ الجَوى

10. And I am like one who suffers from
The fangs of the most vicious lions

١٠. وَأَنا مِنها كَمَن يَبتَلُّ مِن
دَمِهِ أَشداقُ آسادِ الشَّرى

11. Sweat that smelled sweet, a face that wore
The full moon's radiance, musk and aloe

١١. عَرَقٌ طابَ وَوَجهٌ يَرتَدِي
بِسَنا البَدرِ وَمِسكٌ وَحُلَى