
You are all virtue. Is there in a glance from Mutayyam

لك الخير هل في لفتة من متيم

1. You are all virtue. Is there in a glance from Mutayyam
Any room for reproach or words for blame?

١. لكَ الخَيرُ هلْ في لَفْتةٍ منْ مُتيَّمِ
مَجالٌ لعَتْبٍ أو مَقالٌ لِلُوَّمِ

2. My regard does not see in the abode usefulness
And what eloquent hopes to benefit the non-Arabs?

٢. وما نظَري شَطْرَ الدِّيارِ بنافِعٍ
وأيُّ فَصيحٍ يَرتَجي نَفْعَ أعجَمِ

3. As if the gathering of clouds and the weakness of kidneys
Strayed in their margins from the text of firm decrees,

٣. كأنّ ارْتِجازَ السُّحْبِ واهيَةَ الكُلى
جَلا في حواشيهِنَّ عنْ متْنِ أرْقَمِ

4. And the eye granted it, when it stumbled upon it,
Nothing but a fearful glance from an imaginative one.

٤. وما مَنَحَتْها العَيْنُ إذ عَثَرَتْ بِها
سوى نَظْرَةٍ رَوعاءَ منْ مُتَوَهِّمِ

5. And when we inclined to the open country, a deterrent
Who straightens the necks of the racing steed.

٥. وفي الرَّكْبِ إذ مِلْنا إِلى الرّبْعِ زاجِرٌ
يُقوِّمُ أعناقَ المَطِيِّ المُخَزَّمِ

6. And he knows that passion misguided me, so why
Does he gesture with the edges of the forbidden herd?

٦. ويعلمُ أن الشوقَ أهدى فما لَهُ
يُشيرُ بأطرافِ القَطيعِ المُحَرَّمِ

7. And will fervor awaken except with a stance
In which it takes refuge in your pouring tear?

٧. وهَلْ يَستَفيقُ الوَجْدُ إلا بِوَقْفَةٍ
مَتى يَستَجِرْ فيها بدَمْعِكَ يَسْجُمِ

8. With a melody we were accustomed to, and in life mischievousness,
And the prime of green youth did not decay.

٨. بمَغْنىً أَلِفْناهُ وفي العَيشِ غِرَّةٌ
وعَصْرُ الشّبابِ الغَضِّ لمْ يتَصرَّمِ

9. I remembered days of union as if
I attached the tail of imagination that surrenders.

٩. ذَكَرْتُ بهِ أيَّامَ وصْلٍ كأنَّنِي
عَلِقْتُ بها ذَيلَ الخَيالِ المُسَلِّمِ

10. And with the red slopes of the protected area
Gazelles leap with the looks of a watcher.

١٠. وبالهَضَباتِ الحُمْرِ منْ أيْمَنِ الحِمى
ظِباءٌ بألْحاظِ الجَآذِرِ تَرتَمي

11. And they wink at us with eyelids, and they refused
That their eyelids be dyed with blood.

١١. وتُومي إلَينا بالبَنانِ وقد أبَتْ
مَحاجِرُها أنْ لا يُخَضَّبَ بالدَّمِ

12. And if not for the fact that for love there is awe
A hand that guaranteed the flow of the resolute sword -

١٢. ودُونيَ لولا أنّ للحُبِّ رَوْعَةً
يَدٌ ضَمِنَتْ رِيَّ الحُسامِ المُصَمِّمِ

13. When the gentle breeze rains its breaths
The clouds incline toward it, belonging to it.

١٣. إذا اسْتَمْطَرَ العافونَ منْ نَفَحاتِها
تَثَنَّتْ إلَيْهنَّ الغَمائِمُ تَنْتَمي

14. And if Abdullah extends to pride its sale
The plain of the sovereign stretches out to it.

١٤. وإنْ مَدَّ عَبدُ اللهِ للفَخْرِ باعَها
أُريحَتْ إلَيْها بَسْطَةُ المُتَحكِّمِ

15. With an honorable event in the abode of Amer
Added to its usual ancient one.

١٥. بِحادِثِ عِزٍّ في ذُؤابَةِ عامِرٍ
أُضيفَ إِلى عادِيِّهِ المُتقَدِّمِ

16. Of the people, not the flatterer hopes in them
With pain, nor the praiser blames them.

١٦. منَ القَوم لا المُزْجي إلَيهمْ رَجاءَهُ
بِمُكْدٍ ولا المُثني عَلَيْهمْ بمُفْحَمِ

17. They prevent the neighbor, and the discourse is bare
If one of the nights hints with veneration.

١٧. همُ يَمنعونَ الجارَ والخَطْبُ فاغِرٌ
إذا رَمَزَتْ إحدى اللّيالي بِمُعْظَمِ

18. So he travels from them, and the living with his water
Plays with the shadow of the triumphant winner.

١٨. فيَرْحَلُ عَنهُمْ والمُحَيَّا بِمائِهِ
يُلاعِبُ ظِلَّ الفائِزِ المُتَغَنِّمِ

19. He came to them while the events of time are foolish,
And returned while in them the traits of the resolute.

١٩. أتاهم وأحْداثُ الزَّمانِ سَفيهَةٌ
وعادَ وفيها شِيمَةُ المُتَحلِّمِ

20. And the burden of fate in them was lighter for him
One evening when he cast off the weight of love near them.

٢٠. وخَفَّتْ عليهِ وطْأَةُ الدّهْرِ فيهِمُ
عشيّةَ ألقى عِندهُمْ ثِقْلَ مَغرَمِ

21. I swore by the like of the crescent in the lands
Every blood-kin of theirs for the ritual-marker mourned.

٢١. حلَفْتُ بأشباهِ الأهِلَّةِ في البُرى
رَثى كُلُّ دامٍ منْ ذُراها لِمَنسِمِ

22. So let their hands lead the horse of separation
And the scent of distance in a ruin after ruin.

٢٢. فَلَيْنَ بأيديهِنَّ ناصِيَةَ الفَلا
وعِفْنَ السُّرى في مَخْرِمٍ بَعْدَ مَخرِمِ

23. When the ghoul of the road startled them with it
The warbling songs of the camel driver followed it chanting.

٢٣. إذا راعَها غَولُ الطّريقِ هَفَتْ بِها
أغاريدُ حادٍ خَلْفَها مُتَرَنِّمِ

24. It contends with the riders as if he
Is wary of an embattled lion with blood.

٢٤. يُمارِينَ بالرُّكْبانِ وهْماً كأنّهُ
يُحاذِرُ صِلاًّ آخِذاً بالمُخَطَّمِ

25. So we visited the Sacred House, and it was emptied -
The soft sands of Hatim and Zamzam.

٢٥. فَزُرْنَ بِنا البَيتَ الحَرامَ وخُلِّيَتْ
تَرودُ بمُسْتَنِّ الحَطيمِ وزَمزَمِ

26. You came like the moon extending its dome
Upon a horizon with the surrounding darkness intense.

٢٦. لَجِئْتَ مَجيءَ البَدرِ مَدَّ رِواقَهُ
على أفُقٍ وحْفِ الدائِرِ مُظْلِمِ

27. And you visited as spring visited cloaking
Its call, so it revived every withered and ruined thing.

٢٧. وزُرْتَ كما زارَ الرّبيعُ مُطَبِّقاً
نَداهُ فأحْيا كُلَّ مُثْرٍ ومُعْدِمِ

28. With an opinion dilemmas walked through it
At the edge of the polished smooth spearheads.

٢٨. برأْيٍ تَمشَّى المُشْكِلاتُ خِلالَهُ
على حَدِّ مَصقولِ الغِرارَيْنِ مِخْذَمِ

29. And resolve - if war donned its mask -
That bends the tubes of interlaced confusion.

٢٩. وعَزْمٍ إذا ما الحَرْبُ حَطّتْ لِثامَها
يُلَوِّي أنابيبَ الوَشيجِ المُقَوَّمِ

30. So your green days - their margins are like
A rippling of beauty of the ornate cloak.

٣٠. فأيّامُكَ الخُضْرُ الحَواشي كأنّها
منَ الحُسْنِ تَفْويفُ الرِّداءِ المُسَهَّمِ

31. And you, when you penetrated in seeking exaltation,
Like the kindling of firewood beneath which is a burning hand.

٣١. وأنتَ إذا أوغَلْتَ في طَلَبِ العُلا
كقَادِحِ زَندٍ تحتَهُ يَدُ مُضْرِمِ

32. And sufficient for the emulous is that you wrap
A cloud over the one you choose from its edge.

٣٢. وحَسْبُ المُباري أنْ تَلُفَّ عَجاجَةً
على المُنتَضى منْ طَرْفِهِ المُتَوسِّمِ

33. And how many envious spent the night winding over the embers,
A bag of sorrows from a smiling watcher.

٣٣. ورُبَّ حَسودٍ باتَ يَطوي على الجَوى
حَشًى باكِياً عن ناظِرٍ مُتَبَسِّمِ

34. For you is the immense honor in whose shadows
Praise is sheltered in the blessings of a benefactor.

٣٤. لكَ الشَّرفُ الضَّخْمُ الذي في ظِلالِهِ
مُعَرَّسُ حَمْدٍ في مَباءَةِ مُنْعِمِ

35. And extended glory nestled in the bosom of being honored,
Around which the tails of stars hover.

٣٥. ومَجْدٌ مُعَمٌّ في كِنانةَ مُخْوَلٌ
تَنوسُ حَوالَيْهِ ذَوائِبُ أنْجُمِ

36. And here I am hoping in your time for a rank
With a rising in glory never attained.

٣٦. وها أنا أرجو منْ زَمانِكَ رُتْبةً
لها غارِبٌ في المَجْدِ لمْ يُتَسَنَّمِ

37. And I have praise - and it is the most hopeful means
To you - like the rhyming of strung pearls.

٣٧. وعندي ثَناءٌ وهْو أرجى وَسيلةٍ
إليكَ كتَفْصيلِ الجُمانِ المُنَظَّمِ

38. And how many tongues compose poetry, so it incapacitated them -
My words grew tough, and the sharp blade is in my mouth.

٣٨. وكَمْ منْ لِسانٍ يَنظِمُ الشِّعْرَ فَلَّهُ
شَبا كَلِمي والصّارِمُ العَضْبُ في فَمي

39. And an era passed in which I did not attain wishes
So I have nothing left but the sigh of the regretful.

٣٩. وقد مَرَّ عَصْرٌ لم أفُزْ فيهِ بالمُنى
فما لِيَ إلا زَفرَةُ المُتَندِّمِ

40. And I have no hopes but you, for they
Fear people who slumber from glory.

٤٠. وليسَ لآمالي سِواكَ فإنّها
تُهيبُ بأقوامٍ عنِ المَجْدِ نُوَّمِ

41. You remained for a glory the enemies evade
Wrestling the spying tubes in order to crush them.

٤١. بَقيتَ لمَجْدٍ يتَّقِي دونَهُ العِدا
تَناوُشَ رَقَّاصِ الأنابيبِ لَهْذَمِ

42. And hopes did not cease in you, fresh,
Fluttering over your divided gifts.

٤٢. ولا بَرِحَتْ فيكَ الأمانِيُّ غَضَّةً
تَرِفُّ على إنعامِكَ المُتَقَسِّمِ