1. Alas! He who loves ardently, if sleep oppresses him,
The lightning of Najd flashes while he yearns for it
١. ألا مَن لِصَبٍّ إِن تَغَشَّتهُ نَعسَةٌ
سَرى البَرقُ نَجديَّ السَّنا وَهوَ شائِقُهْ
2. If slumber does not keep him awake and away from him
Your phantom, O daughter of the crescent, keeps him awake
٢. فَإن لَم يُؤرِّقهُ وَعاوَدَهُ الكَرى
فَطَيفُكِ يا بنتَ الهِلاليِّ طارِقُهْ
3. On a long night when the star seeks its dawn
Neither has the dawn preceded nor the star followed it
٣. بِلَيلٍ طَويلٍ يَنشُدُ النَّجمُ صُبحَهُ
فَلا الصُّبحُ مَسبوقٌ وَلا النَّجمُ لاحِقُهْ
4. Alas for a day at the riding camels' watering place
Time has spared it while it is crowded with those departing
٤. فَواهاً لِيَومٍ عِندَ سائِقَةِ النَّقا
عَفا الدَّهرُ عَنهُ وَهوَ جَمٌّ بوائِقُهْ
5. And every different looker has been hidden from us
With a howdah of broken wood on his shoulders
٥. وَغُيِّبَ عَنّا كُلُّ غَيرانَ يَرتَدي
بِمِحمَلِ مَفتوقِ الغِرارَينِ عاتِقُهْ
6. Nor did the warbling birds warn of the intent
And the goad's holder threw down his stick and departed
٦. وَلَم تُنذِرِ الطَّيرُ النَّواعِبُ بِالنَّوى
وَأَلقى العَصا حادي المَطِيِّ وَسائِقُهْ
7. And I have one whose chastity is his watcher
I flirt with him at times and at times embrace him
٧. وَعنديَ مَن كانَ العَفافُ رَقيبَهُ
أُغازِلُهُ طَوراً وَطَوراً أُعانِقُهْ
8. And he fills my hearing with talk the like of his
On my throat he threaded the necklace, its arranger
٨. وَيَملأُ سَمعي مِن حَديثٍ بِمِثلِهِ
عَلى النَّحرِ مِنهُ نظَّمَ العِقدَ ناسِقُهْ
9. So when it was finished I increased nothing but remembering him
Every day at Hima its wandering one flashes
٩. فَلَمّا اِنقَضى ما ازدَدتُ إِلّا تَذَكُّراً
لَهُ كُلَّ يَومٍ بِالحِمى ذَرَّ شارِقُهْ