
My beloved, the torrent has reached the trees,

خليلي إن السيل قد بلغ الزبى

1. My beloved, the torrent has reached the trees,
Is there any way for me to Umm Malik's abode?

١. خَليليَّ إِنَّ السَّيلَ قَد بَلَغَ الزُّبى
فَهَل مِن سَبيلٍ لي إِلى أُمِّ مالِكِ

2. Had your hearts softened towards me, I would have put you both
In a night whose stars were in gloomy state.

٢. وَلَو رَقَّ لي قَلباكُما لارتَدَيتُما
بِلَيلٍ مَريضِ النَّجمِ أَسوَدَ حالِكِ

3. The bellies of my she-camels turned lean
From journeying in the dark to visit my beloved.

٣. وَعادَتْ خِماصاً مِن مُمارَسَةِ السُّرى
بُطونُ المَطايا في ظُهورِ المَهالِكِ

4. As I used to ward off anyone desiring to dishonor you,
With a brown spear and white shining sword.

٤. كَما كُنتُ أَلقى مَن يُبيحُ حِماكُما
بِأَسمَرَ عَسّالٍ وَأَبيَضَ باتِكِ

5. Pray, O daughter of nobility, for the most glorious hero,
Far from worries, crossing many lands.

٥. صِلي يا بنَةَ الأَشرافِ أَروَعَ ماجِداً
بَعيدَ مَناطِ الهَمِّ جَمَّ المَسالِكِ

6. Do not leave him between a doubter and a thanker,
A rainy, blaming, crying, laughing one.

٦. فَلا تَترُكيهِ بَينَ شاكٍ وَشاكِرٍ
وَمُطْرٍ وَمُغتابٍ وَباكٍ وَضاحِكِ

7. He became so humiliated as if enemies pitied him,
Such is love, O Samiya.

٧. فَقَد ذَلَّ حَتَّى كادَ يَرحَمُهُ العِدا
وَما الحُبُّ يا ظَمياءُ إِلّا كَذلِكِ