
My friend, though the earth is vast in its expanse

خليلي إن الأرض ضاقت برحبها

1. My friend, though the earth is vast in its expanse
How many battlefields lie between the tips of the spear

١. خَليلَيَّ إِنَّ الأَرْضَ ضَاقَتْ بِرُحْبِها
وكم بينَ أَطْرافِ القَنا مِنْ مَنادِحِ

2. Glory lies only in the neighing of the steed amidst the fray
So heed not the croaking of complacent weaklings

٢. وَلا عِزَّ إِلّا صَهْلَةُ الخَيْلِ في الوَغى
فَلا تَأْلَفا شَدْوَ القِيانِ الصَّوادِحِ

3. For I still hope, and hope is the path
To God, that I will be saved from the grasping of the toiler

٣. وَإِنّي لَأَرْجُو وَالرَّجاءُ وَسيلَةٌ
إِلى اللهِ أَنْ أُكْفَى تَلَمُّسَ كادِحِ

4. And gain a kingdom from my ancestors I inherit
So my sword is lightning, held in the grasp of one who strikes sparks

٤. وَأَحْظى بِمُلْكٍ مِنْ جُدودِي وَرِثْتُهُ
فَزَنْدِي وَرِيٌّ وَهْوَ في كَفِّ قادِحِ

5. I suffered injustice from two, aggrieved was I
By the hands of calamitous fates, destructive disasters

٥. عَجِيْتُ مِنَ اثْنَيْنِ اسْتُضيما وَأَجْحَفَتْ
بِقَدْرَيْهِما أَيْدِي الخُطوبِ الفَوادِحِ

6. One, a noble son, upon whom no disgrace falls
The other, an Umayyad, praising the worthless rabble

٦. مِنَ ابنِ كَريِمٍ لَمْ تُصِبْهُ خَصاصَةٌ
وَمِنْ أُمَوِيٍّ لِلْأَراذِلِ مادِحِ