
In a dwelling robed with the garb of honor

ومنزل برداء العز متشح

1. In a dwelling robed with the garb of honor
We have accepted it as a chosen and frequented resort

١. وَمَنزِلٍ بِرداءِ العِزَّ مُتَّشِحٍ
وَقَد رَضيناهُ مُصطافاً وَمُرتَبَعا

2. My glories are clad with the perfumes of piety
On its edges and the glories of height intertwined

٢. تَكسو عُلوميَ عِرنينَ التُقى شَمَماً
في حافَتَيهِ وَأَجيادَ العُلا تَلَعا

3. When he reached its summit, he yearned for a youth
Who brings together earth and sky alike

٣. لَمّا تَسَنَّمَ أَعلاهُ هَوى بِفَتىً
يُطَبِّقُ الأَرضَ تيهاً وَالسَّماءَ مَعا

4. And how can a roof like it bear ambitions
That even the elevated roof was unable to bear

٤. وَكَيفَ يَحمِلُ سَقفٌ مِثلُهُ هِمَماً
لَم يَستَطِع حَملَها السَّقفُ الَّذي رُفِعا

5. And God defended me when He saw nobility
If I had not made it long with favor it would have collapsed

٥. وَاللَهُ دافَعَ عَنِّي إِذْ رَأَى شَرَفاً
لَو لَم أُطِل باعَهُ بالفَضلِ لا تَّضَعا

6. And if He had decreed what the people proclaimed
The mantle of glory would not have remained whole after me

٦. وَلَو قَضى بِالَّذي نادَى الأَنامُ بِهِ
لَم يُلْفَ بَعديَ شَملُ المَجدِ مُجتَمِعا

7. So I ask God for a life, whenever wounds reached
Their extent in years, He relieved me with a strong body

٧. فاللَهَ أَسأَلُ عُمراً كُلَّما بَلَغَتْ
مَدى القُروحِ سِنوهُ فُرَّ لي جَذَعا