
Alas for the soul that constantly grieves

ألا من لنفس لا تزال مشيحة

1. Alas for the soul that constantly grieves
Over a body that has nothing left but its wailing.

١. ألا مَنْ لنَفْسٍ لا تزالُ مُشيحَةً
على كَمَدٍ لمْ يَبْقَ إلا ذَماؤُها

2. I see my worries worryingly betray my intellect,
So say, O intimate of the soul, what is its remedy?

٢. أرى هِمّتي هَمّاً تَخَوَّنَ مُهْجَتي
فَقُلْ يا شَقيقَ النّفْسِ لي ما شِفاؤُها

3. Whoever desires what is beyond his reach
His swords crave water at Mirage's wells.

٣. ومَنْ رامَ ما أسْمُو إلَيْهِ أزارَهُ
صَوارِمَ تَرْوى بالنّجيعِ ظِماؤُها

4. And seekers of glory, not finding what they seek,
Summits of rubbish no one can scale.

٤. وطُلاّبِ مَجْدٍ دونَ ما يَبْتَغونَهُ
أعالِي رُباً لا يُسْتَطاعُ امْتِطاؤُها

5. We rose despite it like shining full moons
That unveiled the thick curtains of darkness.

٥. عَلَوْنا ذُراها كالبُدورِ تألّقَتْ
فجَلّى دَياجِيرَ الظّلامِ ضِياؤُها

6. And we are Mu'awiyah's followers, pleased with us
As kings, and we have lions among our cubs.

٦. ونحنُ مُعاوِيّونَ يَرْضى بِنا الوَرى
مُلوكاً وَفينا مِنْ لُؤَيٍّ لِواؤُها

7. Our uncles are the chiefs of Qais and Wa'il
Our paternal uncles are the successors of Kindaf.

٧. وأخْوالُنا ساداتُ قَيْسٍ ووائِلٍ
وأعْمامُنا مِنْ خِنْدِفٍ خُلفاؤُها

8. The nobility of Kenanah know that we
When rashness shreds politeness are its menders

٨. وقدْ عَلَمَتْ عُلْيا كِنانَةَ أنّنا
إذا نَقَض الطّيشُ الحُبا حُلَماؤُها

9. Only through us did the Arabs attain supremacy
Their glory and wealth were ours to bestow.

٩. وما بَلَغَتْ إلا بِنا العَرَبُ العُلا
وقد كانَ منّا عِزُّها وثَراؤُها

10. What bard whose compositions encompassed the world
Was not satisfied with our praise in his rhymes?

١٠. وأيُّ قَريضٍ طبّقَ الأرْضَ لمْ يَرُضْ
قَوافيَهُ في مَدحِنا شُعَراؤُها

11. And when our days came to pass
The woes of a few easy days clung to them.

١١. ولما انْتَهَتْ أيّامُنا عَلِقَتْ بِها
شَدائِدُ أيامٍ قَليلٍ رَخاؤُها

12. Smiles were upon us in joy
In worries, it was tears.

١٢. وكان إلَيْنا في السّرورِ ابْتِسامُها
فَصارَ علَيْنا في الهُمومِ بُكاؤُها

13. It was wounded on our account and its chests
Sighed over the stab wounds of fate's caprice.

١٣. أُصِيبَتْ بِنا فاسْتَعْبَرَتْ وضُلوعُها
على مِثْلِ وَخْزِ السّمْهَريِّ انْطِواؤُها

14. Had it known what was to befall it after us
The ignorant would not have exulted over us.

١٤. ولو عَلِمَتْ ماذا تُعانيهِ بَعْدَنا
لما شَمِتَتْ جَهْلاً بِنا سُفَهاؤُها

15. When we remember our forebears it is seized with
A madness whose heat overcomes the young man.

١٥. إذا ما ذَكَرْنا أوَّلِينا تَولَّعَتْ
بنا مَيْعَةٌ يُطْغي الفَتى غُلَواؤُها

16. Some people from Nizar and Yarbub have fared badly
So their dimwits felt belittled while we were their heaven.

١٦. وقد ساءَ قَوْماً مِنْ نِزارٍ ويَعْرُبٍ
فَخاري وهُمْ أرضٌ ونحنُ سَماؤُها

17. Does the roaring lion abase his roar in a lair
When the howling of dogs dwells within it?

١٧. وهَلْ تَخْفِضُ الأُسْدُ الزَّئيرَ بمَوْطِنٍ
إذا لَجَّ فيهِ مِنْ كِلابٍ عُواؤها

18. We ruled the regions of the countries which then
Bow in fear or desire to its magnates.

١٨. ملَكْنا أقاليمَ البِلادِ فأذْعَنَتْ
لَنا رَغْبَةً أو رَهْبَةً عُظَماؤها

19. The bejeweled retinues walked humbly by us
Planets whose blood was shed by their swords.

١٩. وجاسَتْ بنا الجُرْدُ العِتاقُ خِلالَها
سَواكِبَ منْ لَبّاتِهِنّ دِماؤُها

20. We used to meet catastrophes with faces
Like the cheeks of pages, dripping water.

٢٠. فصِرْنا نُلاقي النّائِباتِ بأوْجُهٍ
رِقاقِ الحَواشي كادَ يَقْطُرُ ماؤُها

21. When we wanted to reveal what the nights
Inflicted on us, shame would not allow us.

٢١. إذا ما أرَدْنا أن نَبوحَ بما جَنَتْ
عَلينا اللّيالي لمْ يَدَعْنا حَياؤُها

22. While you, sons of those who find fault with their children
Are blessed with favor who robes you in its cloth.

٢٢. وأنتمْ بَني مَنْ عِيبَ أوْلادُهُ بهِ
ذَوو نِعْمَةٍ يَضْفو علَيْكُمْ رِداؤُها

23. Yet you did not ask what our souls conceal
And pride prevents us from confessing.

٢٣. فلَمْ تَسألُوا عمّا تُجِنُّ نُفوسُنا
وتَمْنَعُنا مِنْ ذِكْرِهِ كِبْرياؤها

24. No good is in a soul that cowers before events
Arrogance accustomed neither to injustice nor justice.

٢٤. ولا خَيْرَ في نَفْسٍ تَذِلُّ لحادِثٍ
يُلِمُّ ولا يَعْتادُها خُيَلاؤُها

25. You attained no wealth in times of prosperity,
Woe to a world of which you are the heads.

٢٥. فلا كانَ دَهْرٌ نِلْتُمُ فيهِ ثَرْوَةً
وتبّاً لِدُنيا أنتُمُ رؤَساؤُها