1. He set out towards Najd draped in his cloak,
His heart clung in passionate longing.
١. تَلَفَّتَ بالثَّوِيّةِ نحوَ نَجْدِ
فَباتَ فؤادُهُ عَلِقاً بوَجْدِ
2. Feeble old age had come upon him,
A youth who stumbled upon separation in that land.
٢. وقد خَلَصَتْ إليه بُعَيْدَ وَهْنٍ
صَباً عَثَرَتْ على لَغَبٍ بِرَنْدِ
3. His yearning stirred for the camels, restless,
Their necklaces jingling as they walked.
٣. فَهاجَ حَنينُهُ إبِلاً طِراباً
تُكَفْكِفُ عَرْبَها حَلَقاتُ قِدِّ
4. Urging them on towards Iraq, the dust of Najd,
Until they arrived, their tethers cast aside.
٤. حَثَوْنَ على العراقِ تُرابَ نَجْدٍ
فَلا ألْقَتْ مَراسِيها بِوِرْدِ
5. How many ruins we left behind in barren plains,
I marked its boulders leisurely with my stick.
٥. وكَمْ خَلّفْنَ منْ طَلَلٍ بحُزْوى
وسَمْتُ عِراصَهُ مَرَحاً بِبُرْدي
6. The folds of her soft cloak as she turned,
Weak in her retreat, her necklace glinting.
٦. ولَيِّنَةِ المَعاطِفِ في التّثَنّي
ضَعيفَةِ رَجْعِ ناظِرَةٍ وقَدِّ
7. She appeared to bid farewell in sorrow,
Lit by the shimmering mirage that illuminates and shades.
٧. تجلّتْ للوَداع على ارْتِياعٍ
من الواشي يُنيرُ بنا ويُسْدي
8. She had veiled herself behind a thin screen,
Now revealing, now hiding, her beauty.
٨. وقد جَعَلَتْ على خَفَرٍ تَراءى
فتُخفي من محاسِنِها وتُبْدي
9. Many wept as though her braids themselves
Were wiping his tears away with her necklace.
٩. وكمْ باكٍ كأنّ الجيدَ منها
يُوَشِّحُ منْ مَدامِعِهِ بعِقْدِ
10. Lightning had struck him and he was ablaze,
The sparks cascading towards you from the flint stone.
١٠. شَجاهُ البَرقُ فهْوَ كما تَنَزّى
إليك السِّقْطُ من أطرافِ زَنْدِ
11. Drowsiness overcame him when dislike pulled him back,
As the darkness roared with thunder.
١١. تَناعَسَ حينَ جاذَبَهُ كَراهُ
وقد شَمِطَ الظّلامُ هَديرُ رَعْدِ
12. Why do you frown upon me, O maiden of Quraysh,
Have I forgotten our pact, the promise between us?
١٢. فَما لكِ يا بْنَةَ القُرَشِيِّ غَضْبى
أمَنْسيٌّ على العَلَمَيْنِ عَهدي
13. In my heart is an old passion
For which I prepare temptation for your virtue.
١٣. وبَيْنَ جَوانِحي شَجَنٌ قَديمٌ
أَعُدُّ لهُ الغِوايَةَ فيكِ رُشْدي
14. I will not grow weary adoring a heart,
Nor betray it though my skin is flayed.
١٤. فَلا مَلَلٌ أَلُفُّ عليه قَلْباً
ولا غَدْرٌ أَخيطُ عليهِ جِلْدي
15. If it remains pure while the youth is infirm,
Then so is my love.
١٥. وإنْ يَكُ صافِياً وشَلٌ تَمَشّتْ
بجانِبِه الصَّبا فكَذاكَ وُدّي
16. In me are the secrets of preserving honor
When seriousness sets in for the highborn.
١٦. وبي عن خُطّةِ الضَّيْمِ ازْوِرارٌ
إذا ما جَدَّ للعَلْياءِ جِدّي
17. I will not expose weaknesses to people,
Slow to rise like a tired camel.
١٧. فَلا أُلْقي الجِرانَ بِها مُبِنّاً
بَطيءَ النَّهْضِ كالجَمَلِ المُغِدِّ
18. But I am the brother of resolute deeds, advancing,
And formidable to the cowardly, my sword sharp.
١٨. ولكنّي أخو العَزَماتِ ماضٍ
ومَرْهوبٌ على اللُّؤَماءِ حَدّي
19. Is there a messenger to my people's quarters
To whisper to them my resting place is my scabbard?
١٩. فهَلْ مِن مُبلِغٍ سَرواتِ قَومي
مُضاجَعَتي على العَزّاءِ غِمْدي
20. My entering in as the wing of night spreads,
Casting its wings over hardships and toil.
٢٠. وإدْلاجي وجِنْحُ اللّيلِ طاوٍ
جَناحَيْهِ على نَصَبٍ وكَدِّ
21. The stars called me softly, winking
With eyes whose glances pierced like arrows.
٢١. وقدْ رَنَتِ النّجومُ إليّ خُوصاً
بأعْيُنِ كاسِراتِ الطَّرْفِ رُمْدِ
22. That I may bequeath them deeds of righteousness,
By whose nobility I intercede for them on the Day of Recompense.
٢٢. لأورِثَهُمْ مَآثِرَ صالحاتٍ
شَفَعْتُ طَريفَها لهُمُ بِتُلْدِ
23. Were it not for God, then the people of 'Uqail,
My efforts would have fallen short of their goal.
٢٣. ولولا اللهُ ثمَّ بنو عُقَيْلٍ
لقصَّرَ دون غايَتِهِنّ جُهْدي
24. And a confidante of nobility, an ally of help.
With it I compose rhymes of perfection
٢٤. فها أنا بالعِراقِ نَجِيُّ عِزٍّ
وإلْفُ كَرامَةٍ وحَليفُ رِفْدِ
25. To surpass the excellent poetry of predecessors.
Its hospitality flows generously,
٢٥. أقُدُّ بهِ قَوافيَ مُحْكَماتٍ
لأَرْوَعَ قُدَّ منْ سَلَفَيْ مَعَدِّ
26. Its pride is not constrained by promises.
And in his munificence is a shyness
٢٦. أغَرُّ تُدِرُّ راحَتُهُ سَماحاً
ولم تُعْصَبْ رغائِبُهُ بوَعْدِ
27. That falls short of the boldness of lions.
When the place was emptied of all goodness,
٢٧. ويُغْضي منْ تَكَرُّمِهِ حَياءً
ودونَ إبائِهِ سَطَواتُ أُسْدِ
28. It tries the mettle of men, exhausting them.
A fertile expanse, a vast abode,
٢٨. لهُ والمَحْلُ غادَرَ كُلَّ عافٍ
يكُدُّ العيسَ مُنتَجِعاً فيُكْدي
29. When the hospitality of each tomorrow is limited.
Gifts rain upon it daily,
٢٩. فِناءٌ مُخْصِبُ العَرَصاتِ رَحْبٌ
إذا ضاقَتْ مَباءَةُ كُلِّ وَغْدِ
30. Its sky laden with incoming delegations.
The maidens listen intently to its commotion
٣٠. تُلَثِّمُهُ المَواهِبُ كلَّ يومٍ
تَمُجُّ سَماؤهُ عَلَقاً بَوفْدِ
31. Towards a courtyard, their braids uncovered.
Ever watchful, heated glances protect it,
٣١. وتُصْغي الأرحَبيَّةُ في ذَراهُ
إِلى قُبٍّ أياطِلُهُنَّ جُرْدِ
32. Fortified with caution against transgression.
As though the tanning of its leather hides
٣٢. وما متَوقِّدُ اللّحَظاتِ يَحْمي
على حَذَرٍ مُعَرَّسَهُ بوَهْدِ
33. Were the remnants of gilded armor rent by stabs.
You see time has kohl-lined eyes,
٣٣. كأنّ نَفِيَّ جِلْدَتِهِ بَقايا
دِلاصٍ فَضّها المَلَوانِ سَرْدِ
34. Its passion almost melting its core.
When it sees redness, it flares up,
٣٤. تَراهُ الدّهْرَ مُكتَحِلاً بجَمْرٍ
يَكادُ يُذيبُ مُهْجَتَهُ بوَقْدِ
35. Inciting it to exceed proper bounds.
I prepare you for battle, O Saad, so cry out
٣٥. بأحْضَرَ وَثبَةً مِنْهُ إذا ما
رأى إغْضاءَهُ يَلِدُ التّعَدّي
36. With a forest of spears flashing.
And raise your forelegs up high and prevent
٣٦. أُعِدُّكَ للْعِدا يا سَعْدُ فاهْتِفْ
بسُمْرٍ مِنْ رِماحِ الخَطِّ مُلْدِ
37. The turns of fate from subduing my cheek.
With you is the convergence of the paths to glory
٣٧. ومُدَّ إِلى العُلا ضَبْعَيَّ وامْنَعْ
صُروفَ الدّهْرِ أنْ يُضْرِعْنَ خَدّي
38. And the battlefield of wonderful poetry is with me.
The feast day comes to you, raising its gaze
٣٨. فعِنْدَكَ مُلتَقى سُبُلِ المَعالي
ومُعْتَرَكُ القوافي الغُرِّ عندي
39. To your magnanimity and glory.
Let your time call its people to you
٣٩. أتاكَ العيدُ يَرْفَعُ ناظِرَيْهِ
إِلى ما فيكَ منْ كَرَمٍ ومَجْدِ
40. In obedience to the clear authority of the compliant servant.
And know that your sword in a little while
٤٠. ودَهْرُكَ دَعْ بَنيهِ إليكَ يَهْفو
بِطاعَةِ مُسْتَبينِ الرِّقِّ عَبْدِ
41. Will stain the enemy's blood with hatred.
So may your days remain secure for you,
٤١. ويعلَمُ أنّ سَيفَكَ عن قَليلٍ
يَشوبُ منَ العَدُوِّ دَماً بحِقْدِ
42. Their nights sown with good fortune.
٤٢. فلا زالَتْ لك الأيامُ سِلْماً
مُلَقَّحَةً لَيالِيها بِسَعْدِ